MovieChat Forums > The 80th Annual Academy Awards (2008) Discussion > What films would you like to see there?

What films would you like to see there?

What movies would you enjoy seeing at this years oscars. I throughly enjoyed The Brave One and 3:10 to Yuma. Reguardless if they get nominated or not i hope they do


The brave One? No.
3:10? Probably not.

No Country For Old Men, Once, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Gone Baby Gone, There Will Be Blood? I sure as hell hope so!!


I haven't seen Once, but I suspect you have more than decent taste in movies- props on mentioning Gone Baby Gone.

Anyway, I would really like to have seen Zodiac, Eastern Promises, and Christian Bale (seriously- watch Rescue Dawn, people) up there.

More disturbing than the lack of Zodiac nominations, however, is the ridiculous amount of nominations for Juno. Am I the only one who thought that movie seriously nose-dived after about half an hour? That movie turned against me. I went in wanting to like it, (indeed, I liked it for half an hour) and then it just seemed repulsive (not in the sense of being ugly or hideous, but in the sense that it repelled any liking or goodwill I was willing to throw its way.

All in the Game.


"I haven't seen Once, but I suspect you have more than decent taste in movies- props on mentioning Gone Baby Gone.

Anyway, I would really like to have seen Zodiac, Eastern Promises, and Christian Bale (seriously- watch Rescue Dawn, people) up there."

Couldn't agree with you more. Zodiac and Eastern Promises were so clearly Oscar-worthy to me, and yet, no! As for Christian Bale, he DEFINITELY deserves some recognition for Rescue Dawn. I bet no one at the Academy bothered to see it. It was a truly inspirational movie.

Kind of disagree about the Juno thing, I think it's a fun, original kind of cinema. I don't think it's fit to be "Best Picture", but Ellen Page was fantastic in it.


It's kind of hard to find an original movie to nominate for Best Picture. It seems there are no original movies out there. Eeven last years Best Picture winner was a remakie of a foreign film. I think thats why we see molvies liuke Attonement, Juno, and Michael Clayton nominated for Best Picture. Michael Clayton is very similar to half a dozen movies who were also Best Picture nominees. Attonement is another war movie with a twist, Juno is a better made movie then half a dozen other teen pregnancy movies, but its still a movie dealing with Teen Pregnancy. Even There Will Be Blood (although based on a book thats almost a century old has a Gordon Gecko Wall Street feel to it. And then there's No Country For Old Men, which combines Pulp Fiction with the Hannibal Lecter movies, and sets it in the south.
I hope the writers strike gave the writers a chance to think up some new original ideas, instead of retrying old ones. Fresh ideas people.
