MovieChat Forums > The 80th Annual Academy Awards (2008) Discussion > How surprised would you be if Johnny D w...

How surprised would you be if Johnny D won for best actor?

I would be totally shocked, like fall out of my chair shocked. He, in my opinion is tied for second place with George Clooney for Michael Clayton but the obvious favorite is Daniel Day Lewis.
I think that Johnny was totally robbed in 2003 by Sean Penn and again in 2004. Don't get me wrong. 2004 was really close and I loved Jaime Fox. But if Ray Charles hadn't just died and if J.M. Barrie had, Johnny would have won.

Anyway. How surprised would you be?

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besides, I would want it to go to someone who hasn't won an academy award yet and the only 2 who haven't won one are Viggo Mortensen and Johnny Depp. And Johnny gave a much better performance.

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My town never got There Will Be Blood so I can't say in DDL was good or not, but Johnny Depp was awesome as Sweeney Todd. I was in the actual musical production, and he totally pulled it off. He got robbed twice, I think it's time to give him the Oscar. But I can't say until I see Daniel's acting.

But think about it for a second: Who else could pull off Sweeney Todd as well as Johnny Depp did?



I would be pretty surprised if Johnny won, not because he was bad in ST but because he's up against such steep competition this year. I will be extremely surprised if DDL does NOT win Best Actor. He was that good. TWBB doesn't deserve Best Picture though, that's my opinion.



I would be quite surprised, Daniel Day-Lewis sounds like the sure winner from what I've heard, but man it'd be awesome if Johnny won!
Personally I also agree about the 2003 Oscar robbery, he DEFINITELY should have one. But in 2004...I've got to say, Jamie Foxx did an amazing job, there was some serious competition there.


I would be extremely surprised because I can't think of a major critics award that Daniel Day-Lewis hasn't won.
