MovieChat Forums > The 80th Annual Academy Awards (2008) Discussion > Okay It Has To Be Said (Or Why I Hate Th...

Okay It Has To Be Said (Or Why I Hate The Academy)

Okay, I get it... Some things are just better than others. Let me bring you back last year to the greatness that was The Departed. Was there a real reason as to why Jack wasn't nominated? Is it because it would be too obvious? Now let me get straight to it.

the Academy doesn't always vote for the best, doesn't nominate the best. The Academy is made up of Prejudice and Bias opinions. What is George Clooney doing? Michael Clayton wasn't an amazing movie.

Johnny Depp, Tommy Lee Jones, Daniel Day-Lewis Viggo Mortensen. All four of those men deserve an award, they do. I swear to god if Clooney wins this thing, I will take a major tantrum (I'd say I'd off myself and be near to the truth, but I wouldn't really.)

I know it isn't nominated, but let's get something clear. Ben Affleck's Gone, Baby, Gone... was not that great either. Sure, he should remain behind the camera and I would like to see him try again. The movie works as sequel to Freedomland and even has Julianne Moore written all over it. If you didn't like Sammy L. J. and you like this cr*p, you have terrible tastes.

Which brings me up to Casey. Much better actor than his brother, and didn't do bad in the above mentioned movie. So what is my problem? My problem is he is nominated for an award and Brad Pitt isn't. My problem is he was a terrible character, and Casey over acted the entire movie. Jesse James really annoyed me, and Robert Ford is the reason. I couldn't wait for him to just kill the man and get it over with. I was seriously waiting (not wanting) for some guy on guy action between the two characters. (Oh and if you complain about there being a spoiler... Yeah he killed him, it's in the damn title, THE ASSASSINATION OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD ROBERT FORD)

While on the subject... Juno is nominated for best picture, Jason is nominated for his direction, My girl Ellen is nominated for Best Actress. I may be wrong, and some will say I am. This is a comedy, yeah? Ellen's acting was well and good (I do think her nomination may have something to do with her role, but whatever). I actually think that the best acting in the movie came from, Jason Bateman. He was amazing, a flawless character from beginning to end. Where is his nomination over Affleck?

Another one, Mr. 2007 himself, Josh Brolin. I'll leave out Dr. Block, though he was the best character in Planet Terror. How about Llewelyn Moss? He was fantastic in 'No Country For Old Men' and I think he deserves a nomination. Yeah, Javier is there so another nomination for the same category may be overkill (Though if you look at the nominations for best song, Enchanted is overkilling. Where is Across The Universe, Juno, or Black Snake Moan?) ? Cool, so let's try American Gangster. Say what you want about the movie, it was great. Josh Brolin should be in absolutely everything that ever comes out (Up to and including a Goonies 2! I joke).

Now while were with American Gangster, Ruby Dee? I can count the number of lines she had in the movie using only my fingers. How do they judge acting? Expression? Dialogue? Emotion? This is acting, and if your up for an award in an acting category, how did you have time to judge her in the movie? Granted, her speach to Frank about his brothers was phenomenal, but once again you can't judge someone's acting based on one line of dialogue alone. If that were the case, Mike Myers should have gotten it for his *Oscar* Scene in Wayne's World.

If she is nominated, and Brolin is not... The world just doesn't make sense any more.

One more thing on the Ruby Dee... I believe Q.T. should be nominated for his voice over work in Diary of the Dead, and Mike Vogel for his great performance in Cloverfield.

So that is my rant. I'd appreciate comments.

P.S. I think they should really make a new category for Animation, or well Voice Over work for animation. A lot of voice over artists are really over looked, mainly Craig T. Nelson.


Every year there are countless films that are just simply overlooked by the academy - either because of when they were released or because of the politics of the time. This year, in my opinion, there are 3 question mark nominations - two of which you've already touched on being Michael Clayton and Ruby Dee. That being said my third is Jones - whom I respect enormously, but was probably the 10th - 15th best actor. It just comes down to accepting what they nominate and deciding who you think should win out of that group. I'm at the point now were I just like to pick my own personal winners, and though I watch I don't put much into who wins or loses.

It is nice to see a criticism that actually has thought in it, as opposed to the people complain films like Step Up 2 and Chuck & Larry aren't nominated.


Well in my opinion, Daniel Day-Lewis being the number one contender... chances are Jones doesn't have a shot. To tell you the truth, I wish art would overcome politics for once and give Johnny Depp the award, just because. No I'm not a Depp or Burton fanboy, I actually think he deserves the award for his hard work. Then again, they all do.

Ruby Dee, hopefully won't win anyway. Bad news is Cate Blanchett will. I don't think she will steal best actress, or will she? The voters seem to have a fetish for anything based on a political figure, these days. The one thing that they also tend to atleast lean towards is gender reversals. I'm Not There, is a good movie, but I thought Ledger and Bale were each a bit better performance wise.

I can't be unbias for directing. I would love to see Reitman win, as Canadian I am. I also thought he was snubbed when it came to Thank You For Smoking, though Anderson is a good choice.

O.M.C. Member (Open Minds Club)
Darth Toaster- The Toast Eater


I like Johnny Depp but if he wins I'd have to put it up there with the Crash and Cuba Gooding Jr. of liked them but shouldn't have won category. Day-Lewis undoubtably has his fair share of awards as is, but as you said pick on art and he was art. Now maybe they should make a stipulation on how often he should be allowed to act in that type of role so he doesn't win too often. Politics, biased, personal preference, won't go away - and they are evident in EVERY award, not just the Academy Awards. Reitman is a long shot even on a good day, so don't put your hopes up it there. If he keeps making films like Smoking and Juno he'll get the win wooner or later but this year - just won't happen. Heck I still think PT Anderson was painfully snubbed not even getting a directing nomination for Magnolia or Boogie Nights (though I don't think he would have won those years anywho).

Its tempting to go with the "deserves" or "snubbed" argument for them winning, but its not a valid argument. The point is the Academy Award is "supposed" (I know I'm over using quotes so forgive me) to pick the BEST. We all, including the academy, get caught up in this argument and the media play of it all which hurts the actual chosing.

That being said I did think of one more nomination that shouldn't be there: Norbit for Best Achievement in Makeup. I know I know they made Eddie Murphy look like a fat woman... I think his past films have proven this is no longer an achievement.


(I know Reitman won't win but it's okay.)

Your completely right about PT. I really hope he wins it this time around. Blood was a better movie than Juno anyway. The only problem I have with the director race is that Reitman is there and Fincher isn't.

No, I have a feeling this year will be as cut and paste as ever. There will be a tribute to those who passed away, which will ultimately land on Ledger who will be shown special treatment.

The other thing I am betting on is an Academy Salute to Screen Writers. I can just see it happening. Not that they don't deserve it, they do. It's just kind of a predictable move you know.

The choice in presenters is also pretty dumb. I really don't see why Hannah Montanna is there. Seth Rogen is okay; You know he's going to try too hard to be funny though.

O.M.C. Member (Open Minds Club)
Darth Toaster- The Toast Eater


Kissing butt is just commonplace in the industry, especially since the Academy will owe a lot of their paychecks to the writers crossing the line. Hannah Montana being there is an appeal to try and pull in a few younger viewers, she'll probably stick around for oh 5 minutes to get some kids in the 8-10 slot. Beyond that you can expect the same as always, and often its just enough for me :)


Don't get me wrong, The Academy Awards is something I love watching every year. I just think they need a new format of sorts. Try doing something gutsy, like get someone not obvious to be the host. Stewart is great though... I take that back. They'd end up letting Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise host and I'd off myself.

If they wanted kids, I woulda just brought in Zach Effron or someone else from the Highschol Musical Crew. Effron was in Hairspray this year too, then again. It would be an obvious choice for a presenter of some sort. He seems comical, smart, and he may actually have been on the list. I should check again.

O.M.C. Member (Open Minds Club)
Darth Toaster- The Toast Eater


