Who Got Screwed!

Overall I'm quite happy and unsurprised by the nominations (as my Thoughts And Opinions thread proves).

But who do you think got screwed from being nominated. Well, perhaps not neccessarily screwed, but was unfortunate to miss out.

Now like I said, I'm quite happy with the nominees, but I have a few reservations about some and feel slightly disappointed that some great work was either overlooked or narrowly missed out.

Best Film
Sweeney Todd - Fantastic film and a musical has in recent years proven to be popular amongst Academy voters
The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford - This was one of the best films I saw in 2007 and I'm amazed that this didn't get recognition

Best Director
Tim Burton - Did a great job with Sweeney Todd
Andrew Dominik - The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford

Best Actor
James McAvoy - I liked Atonement but I didn't think it was as good as so many others thought. McAvoy however was fantastic in it and I wouldn't have been too upset had he been nominated
Josh Brolin - Maybe No Country For Old Men was too much of an ensemble for voters, but Brolin's character was for me the story's protagonists and he did a bang up job
Denzel Washington - While American Gangster wasn't as great as I hoped, he was amazing as Frank Lucas.
Emile Hirsch - He was Into The Wild and that film was fantastic, therefore, he was fantastic

Best Supporting Actor
Josh Brolin - See my reasons for Best Actor. Like I said No Country was an ensemble, so he could have been nominated for this
Jason Bateman - Juno was one of my favourites of 2007 and he's one of my favourite actors, so I may be biased, but I was surprised that his name was never even mentioned in the build up to this.

Best Actress
Angelina Jolie proved in A Mighty Heart that she's more than just a sexy (although painfully thin at the moment) husband stealing, third-world kid adopting vamp and a damn good actress. She should feel hard done by

Best Supporting Actress
Jennifer Garner was just great in Juno and I would have loved to see her nominated. She wasn't screwed but I really loved her performance.

Marisa Tomei - In my 'Thoughts And Opinions' thread I had her down as a Best Actress contender because I thought her performance was that good. Upon reflection I realise that it was indeed a supporting role and a great one at that.

Kelly McDonald - This Scotish broad was so convincing as a southern belle and came close to stealing almost every scene she was in. The girl from Trainspotting done good! Go on lassie!

I smoke too much! I drink too much! I eat too much! But fu. ck me, I'm happy!



Michael Clayton is more of an actors and directors movie than an audience movie. The performances are all great (particularly Clooney), the script is good and the direction is good too.

It's just that now, film audiences have been inundated with tripe like Transformers or I Am Legend and all these other blockbuster that do nothing but blow sh!t up and now intelligent films that are character and story driven that lack the explosions aren't deemed by audiences as good films.

Like you I was surprised that Into The Wild didn't get more nominations and also I agree with that Zodiac was an amazing piece of work and Before The Devil Knows Your Dead was also a great return to form for Sidney Lumet.

I smoke too much! I drink too much! I eat too much! But fu. ck me, I'm happy!


Michael Clayton deserves all of its nominations, and was easily one of the five best pictures of the year.

However, I do feel slighted by the lack of Zodiac representation- drop Juno from the best picture race, DEFINITELY get rid of Jason Reitman, and would sub in one of the Davids- Cronenberg or Fincher- and really tighten up that category.

Zodiac should definitely be up for cinematography (sorry, Atonement), Screenplay (sorry, Atonement), Actor (Jake Gyllenhaal- sorry, Johnny Depp. Wait- no I'm not), Supporting Actor (Robert Downey, Jr.- sorry, Hal Holbrook), Editing (sorry, Into the Wild), Art Direction (sorry, Sweeney Todd/American Gangster/Golden Compass/Atonement... you're all expendable), Score? OK (sorry, 3:10 to Yuma and The Kite Runner). So, in a nutshell, Zodiac should be up for anything it's eligible for.

I can say the same for Eastern Promises.

I would also like to see Christian Bale and Steve Zahn (I know- it's a weird sentence, but that's just how I feel) repping Rescue Dawn along with Werner Herzog, and a cinematography award. Too bad 3:10 split the vote and he got screwed out of a nomination by a vastly inferior movie.

All in the Game.


Zodiac was ultimately the biggest loser from the nominations but I have to be honest, I have no interest whatsoever in the technical categories.

For me the main categories (Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress) are the ones I'm interested in (as well as the screenplay nominations - but they're always a difficult one to call).

The cast of Zodiac Gyllenhaal, Downey Jr., Ruffalo, Sevigny were all superb, but I'm not surprised none of them were nominated. In my opinion, there were five better performances than theirs in 2007. Fincher I can't believe was never even mentioned in the build up to the nominees being announced as for the film itself (guess releasing a film in the first quarter of the year really does have an impact - at least this year anyway).

I smoke too much! I drink too much! I eat too much! But fu. ck me, I'm happy!


tim burton for director
denzel washington for actor


They totally shunned Hairspray!Not even a costume nod or anything!
Plus I read in the paper last november that maybe comedic films would get nominated for more stuff....I'm happy that Juno got nominated

School is like a lollipop. It sucks until it's gone.
I <3 Hairspray!


Into the Wild (Picture, Best Actor, Score and Director)
Eastern Promises (Picture, Actress, Screenplay, Editing and Director)
Assasination of Jessie James By the Coward Robert Ford (Picture and Director)
Zodiac (Picture)
Grindhouse (Directing and editing)
There Will Be Blood (Score, Supporting Actor)
4 Months 3 Weeks 2 Days (Forein Picture)
Shake Hands With The Devil (Documentary)
The Simpsons Movie (Animated)
Youth Without Youth (Directing)
