What song! Driving me CRAZY!

You know when they showed all the past best films... what was that really nice string song playing along to it... it is from a film and CANNOT remember which one... help! Won't be able to sleep until i figure it out! J

'I maybe fat but you're ugly and I can diet!'



80 YEARS OF OSCARS! what was that song?!


I know they used the suite from Forrest Gump in one montage. Notttt sure if it was this one. Throwing it out there.


I really wanna know it too!! ive wanted it for so long and ive heard it tonight and on other academy awards shows and even at the tram ride in universal studios so it must be a universal film whatever it is but NO ONE ever knows!!!


FOUND IT some1 posted it on my question ill paste reply....

yessir..it was Randy Edelman's score to the movie "Dragonheart" (1996)..great score..you can find it on limewire or any other downloader probably..

SO HAPPY hope this is it i havent checked but thought id share it with you lets hope its the one!!
