75th Annual Academy Awards

The 75th Annual Academy Awards is one of my favourite ceremonies, but I can't find it anywhere online :( Does anybody here know where I could download it? I remember seeing some HD clips on the internet after it aired of Nicole Kidman winning and some Steve Martin jokes.
I especially love all the montages for the acting categories.

And while I'm on the subject... does anyone know where I could find the 70th Annual Academy Awards? I doubt there's a digital version of it, but I'd love to watch the most viewed Oscar ceremony sometime.

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"


The 70th Oscars, the 51st, the 75th, the 50th, the 59th, and the 61st are the best of the Oscars for the last 30 years (in that order!). They are the only shows that I watch once a year and in some cases twice. I hope and pray there will come a day when there will be great films again and I can really enjoy the Oscar show. Till then I'll slip in a DVD...
