MovieChat Forums > The 80th Annual Academy Awards (2008) Discussion > Where can I find the film tributes?!?!?

Where can I find the film tributes?!?!?

I've been looking on you tube for hours!
Where can I find all the tributes of all acting oscar winners, best picture winners, and directing winners?!?!?! PLEASE HELP!


They only temporarily appear on YouTube because the Academy holds strict copyright, even for limited use. Keep trying every now and then, maybe try broader keywords.


Well, I have made a little video of about (10 minutes)
with the 6 video tributes of the night:
- 80 years of Oscars
- Best actor, actress, supporting actor, supporting actress and director past winners
- 79 best oscar pictures.
I donĀ“t upload in youtube because in weeks i will found my account annuled by the censors, if I put oscar videos. We can find other way for you to receive it.


That would be great!! I'd really appreciate it!
