About Cody....

All I have to say is man, this guy had a rough time. Can you imagine losing a friend, your girlfriend and your house burns down? When he said all this I was like "DAMN"!!!!!! After all that happens to you, I would think I am cursed. So I admire his ability to deal with all that happening.


No wonder he has problems showing his emotion.



You don't know what you're talking about. Nancy was completely right when she called him a snob. The guy is so stuck up. It has nothing to do with his tough time, he just thinks he's better than everbody else. He never should have won!



I think he's kind of bottled it up, and needs to let his grief out. I don't think stoicism and push through it in your dance is what Cody needed to do -- bad advice from his mom. He needed therapy and comforting and to go through a major grieving process, and to let his tears and sadness out.

That was the issue with the seeming "cold" to Nancy etc., in my opinion.
. . . . . . . .

