Michael C Hall

So I'm guessing he has one of the main roles, but I'm wondering if it takes much time to film. It says it is filming now, which is weird, since Dexter starts filming in June. So either the filming will be very fast (like maybe a lot of the scenes are in the same setting), or his role, although a main role, won't be too big.

The summary says that the movie is at the Father's 70th Birthday so I guess it could be that the majority of the movie is in the same setting. We still don't know who he's playing, but I think it would be interesting if he plays the 70 year old father with makeup and things on.


Rainn Wilson posted this link on his twitter: http://rainn.posterous.com/one-big-disfunctional-family
which implies Michael C Hall is one of the siblings...


Peep World is an independent movie shot on (I'm guessing) a small budget, so it has a very short shooting time - in this case, about four weeks.

According to Ben Schwarz, filming finished on 18 May:

First table read for Dexter season 4 was 27 May and filming started the following day, according to director Marcos Siega:

So there was plenty of time for Hall to do both roles.
