MovieChat Forums > Saved by the Bell (2020) Discussion > Did It Follow The Cobra Kai Model?

Did It Follow The Cobra Kai Model?

I haven't seen the show yet, but I've hearing good things about it. I was just wondering if it was kind of following the same model that Cobra Kai did with The Karate Kid. Both were beloved movies/shows that lived well beyond their own time. Instead of just doing a remake with entirely new people doing the same things, lets bring back the original characters, but now they're the adults and have kids who were the ages when we knew them. And not only do we sometimes gain a new perspective of what happened in the past, but we see how it can be applied to the world today.

And I'm not asking that question as an insult to either show. If they did just do what Cobra Kai did, then good for them for making it work for them too.


No. Cobra Kai is about karate. This show has nothing to do with karate


You stupid moron...lmao.... that's not what he is saying...smh...between this and you listening to your stupid college professor I have serious doubts about your mental abilities...


Stop stalking me


Lol....not my fault that I keep bumping into your stupid posts...😂😂😂


My college professor told me to tell you to stop following me around this site


You spent thanksgiving with your professor? Weird man...😬


No, I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, which is a holiday promoted by white supremacy. A time when land was stolen from the native americans. The holiday should be renamed to LandBack Day. I want nothing to do with Thanksgiving and neither does my professor




My professor told me about racists like you who celebrate Thanksgiving. The land you live on was stolen. You dont own a damm piece of land. One day you will be giving it back


I will be long dead by than...😂


I assume you are white like me. Your whole life has been a lie. You have been extremely privileged to be born a white person. Your ancestors stole the land you lived on your whole life. You lived your whole life not having to worry about the police gunning you down. You may be long gone by then but your family will suffer the consequences. I'm in a similar position to you however I got rid of my guilty conscience by acknowledging my white privilege




Stop laughing racist


Sorry to interrupt a beautifully idiotic, and pointless internet argument, but I actually did laugh when he posted that there was no karate in Saved By The Bell.


It was beautiful by me hammering him with facts. I have beaten him down on several boards


Would you like a medal for winning an internet argument?


Its well beyond medals by now. I already would have over 50 of them.


Call this number to collect your medals for winning internet arguments. 1-800-380-3071.


Not needed. I already have more medals from winning internet arguments than anyone else


The ambiguity is brilliant. Is he being extremely woke? Or is he satirizing wokeness? I can't tell!


No I have not. Because I don't care.

It's funny.

THIS IS US got about 7 or 8 LIVE million viewers for it season's debut.

Saved By The Bell could have probably gotten 18 or 19 million LIVE viewers following Thursday Night Football.

Like "Roseanne"
Like "The X-Files"

I don't know about the rest of you. But I haven't watched a live program since 2003.

I about crapped my about pants when I saw NCIS get over 10 million viewers.


I did no watch it.


Yes. It follows that model in the sense that the original cast are there, but the show has a new cast that's definitely going to appeal more to a new audience. I think it's well done and it will probably be renewed.

I'd say that this reboot actually does a better job of making the new cast the primary focus and making them interesting. I watch Cobra Kai mostly for Johnny and Daniel. I'm actually more invested in the new cast in the SBTB reboot, and appearances from the old cast are just special treats.


I haven't heard any good things at all. It's apparently extremely woke.


Whats wrong with woke? My college professor says its a great thing and previously was lacking in our society


When Cthulhu gets woke, you won't be asking that.






Aren't we all these days? 😉


Not me. But there are just over 70 million racists in this country as proven from the last election


Of course you're a racist as well, you silly little troll!😆


I'm telling my college professor what you just said


Oh noes!😱


My college professor thinks you are a racist too


Tell him/her/them that I think he/she/they is/are racist too!😄


He also said you are a white supremacist and I should no longer communicate with you on here


You're killing me!😂

Please tell him I said hi! I hope it won't make him cry, though.🙁


Stop posting me! I can't associate with a white supremacist racist


Just go to your safe space and have a soy latte!😆


Ignore pathetic troll millsey.


How "woke" it is is part of the comedy.
