MovieChat Forums > Walker (2021) Discussion > Diversity/inclusion casting strikes agai...

Diversity/inclusion casting strikes again.

Funny how they changed Walker's partner from a man to a woman, I guess they figured since the Magnum reboot swapped Higgins from male to female they could do the same here. So this will probably mean the show become more like a Moonlighting series where Walker and his partner are destined to bump nasties. If you want to reboot a show don't change the basics of it, if that's the goal of producers then come up with a new show and don't just try to use an old show's name to pull in an audience.


Forget this show. There's only one Walker and it starred Chuck Norris, Clarence Gilyard, and Sheree J. Wilson from 1993-2001. It was a good show with good lessons. Walker was always doing volunteer work and helping the community, especially young people. There was fighting on the show but Walker was a peaceful man. Clarence Gilyard was great as Jimmy Trivette, and Sheree Wilson was the only woman who could play Walker's true love. This remake is a pitiful attempt to wash over the original's legacy.


Good Lessons ??

you cant do that these days , The keyboard warriors will be all like


Nothing else about the premise matches the original show either. Why just complain about this one?


Not familiar with what other things are different. But if they made more changes then it just reinforces my previous comment that they should just create a new show an not just try to twist what was into some new shit.


I came here to see how long it would take someone to complain about modern society, didn't take long. It's a real shame you didn't use the word woke I could have filled my entire bingo card in one post.


It isn't a complaint about modern society it was a complaint about twisting around the foundation of a show for no good reason. It would be like remaking Superman only sticking a woman with long hair into the role of Lex Luthor, remaking Spider Man with Mary Jane being changed to some dude named Mark Jane... There is no reason to gender swapping characters in existing stories. If you want to go down that road then don't bother using the same title as the original because the reality is you've decided to create a new story and just use an existing stories title to try and tap into an existing audience. It's a cheap ass way to get an audience and usually is only done when the producers know their show can't stand on its own merits. So if they twist all the bits and piece of the show around and call it Johnson, Texas Ranger. It would be a fail out of the gate.


It's a cheap ass way to get an audience and usually is only done when the producers know their show can't stand on its own merits.

Whereas a totally lame cash grab just using an old name is fine , if the characters are the same colour?

Remakes like these are gonna be lame regardless of so-called-woke changes anyway

Its the lameness you should be measuring not the wokeness
Dont get the two confused
woke (so called) != lame necxassarilly

just picture your traditiona white folk in the new series and think "is this still lame?"
you get waht im saying?
be a bit more critical beyond loking for colors and women and then calling it shit.
Its probly shit anyway
I dont know i havent seen it
buit iof i do I wont be judging it on the color or sex of the characters


Sometime remaking the show is just a cheap ass play even when they keep the characters as they were... but sometimes a remake does make sense if you can now make it better because the tool for making the movie have improved. King Kong was a good example of remaking because technology got better, they didn't try to gender swap character they simply tried to make the same movie but with better technology so that the movie was better.

The initial complaint about Walker was simply based on limit information about the new show at the time it was made. Now that I've seen more of what they have done they appear to have fucked it up even more than just swapping genders, the appear to be trying to turn it into a Hallmark show with Walker being a married dad dealing with family shit... so even if they hadn't played gender games the show seems a big departure from the original.

As for racial games, sorry that takes it to an entirely different level of bullshit with the absolute worst the shows where they ignore historical reality and are clearly just trying to check off diversity boxes on piece of paper... Or the more ridiculous where the colors don't make since based on lineage... when they go down that road you have to wonder if the producers would have thought it a good idea to have a white guy play MLK in a movie.


...” you have to wonder if the producers would have thought it a good idea to have a white guy play MLK in a movie.”

Believe or not, while I was reading your post I was thinking “I wonder what the reaction would be if a white guy played MLK in a movie!” Then there it was...your last sentence!

If they had been smart, I suggested this in a prior post, Walker would be Cordell’s and Alex’s son who lost his wife. He could be partnered with Trivette’s son. Chuck Norris and the rest of the cast could pop in now and then. We keep the continuity, but the sons’ police work would be more inline with today’s times.

Instead this new “Walker” turned into a PC soap opera. I couldn’t get through the 1st half hour. Not for me.


Geez Louise. I came here to see if this thing is anything at all like Walker, Texas Ranger, and my worst concerns are confirmed. What is both comforting and simultaneously confusing is that what I presume is the target demo for this were sucking down baby formula when Chuck Norris was on the air. I can’t imagine that the title Walker means anything to them. This is stupid by any standard.

What would be cool is if Chuck Norris found a way to sue the producers for pissing on his legacy. Or come on the show and kick the shit out of his “replacement.” Or both. People WOULD watch that!
