MovieChat Forums > Bereavement (2010) Discussion > Spoil it for me--does Allison survive?

Spoil it for me--does Allison survive?

I'm curious about trying to find the movie and see it--I have no clue where to locate it currently--but I don't want to see it if Daddario ends up butchered. So please, spoil the ending for me. Does Allison/Daddario live through the ending?


I think you will have to wait like the rest of us until we can actually see the film...It is apparent that only a small group of people were given the opportunity to see the film and they don't appear to be interested in this site..If you look at the traffic on imdb for this fi,m there are not a lot of people posting...It is really a shame because the first film was better than the trash that zombie and other torture porn directors have been spewing out...


Yeah, I guess so..


No, Allison does not survive. She is killed during the climax of the movie.



My guess is she is killed by the young boy...




But I guess she had it coming. Anyone who claims they are a "long distance runner" and never bothers to wear a sports bra deserves what they get.



actually hes exactly what Gary Sutter hoped and anticipated. Its made very cleare in Malevolence and in this one that that was the plan all along




Thumbs up lol


She had it coming because she got everyone else killed trying to look for and protect her as- while she was trying to be defiant and act like she was grown! How many times did she keep passing by that Sutter place after her uncle told her not to and even when she saw the creepy man standing there watching her later? I was too mad when her uncle (Michael Biehn) got killed and then it just goes downhill from there for me. What is interesting, though, is that I didn't realize this was a prequel. I'm watching that now and so far it looks like this one (Bereavement) has a bigger budget & better cast.


she gets butchered like a pig.. the kid stabs her like 7 or 8 times.. dumbass girl anyway. she shoulda killed Gary instead of running away from him.. when a psycho locks u in a meat freezer and u manage to escape.. dont give him a chance to wake up and cause more trouble. (not that gary killed her anyway but even so)


Does Allison/Daddario survive?
Possibly,I never saw the movie.
But from reading the director's page here,I doubt that the career of anyone involved in his crap does.
