MovieChat Forums > Bereavement (2010) Discussion > Question about the ending SPOILER

Question about the ending SPOILER

At the end the guy says there were four bodies in the house right? We assume its the aunt, uncle, Allison and the little girl Wendy but what about William? The boyfriend? I know he was killed over at the Sutter place but old man Sutter dragged the uncle back, he may have dragged William back as well. Is it possible Wendy is still alive and maybe captive like Martin was? I know old man sutter was shown stumbling back alone but we didn't see Martin go back, maybe he took her? I'm looking forward to pt3 to see if I'm right :)


We never get to see what happens to William's body. We assume that it was left in the killers house. But who knowss....this movie is full of surprises!


No, she's dead. If the screams she lets out offscreen aren't enough, all you have to do is watch the "Making of". The kid who plays Martin and the one who plays Wendy are brother and sister in real life. The boy who plays Martin keeps saying how fun it was to get to kill his sister, even if it happened off screen. So Wendy is dead, unless for some reason Mena decides to retcon that if he makes the third film.


When you warn of the spoiler in your tagline, you don't need to completely black out your text...
