my guess is . .

sarah was babysitting the neighbors kid or something and then she had to call an ambulance and she died


The baby fell down the stairs in her walker.


Yes, she was playing with the baby and then went to check on the baby's two brothers and they started fighting over the remote and she took no more than 2 minutes with them and the baby got out of her sight and then she tumbled down the stairs. A tragic accident that it seems people never really dealt with and now she has come home and all the old wounds have opened up; very sad..


That sound stupid. I remember when I watched my niece. And there was one of those gates at the top of the stairs to stop kids from going on them.Why would someone have a baby in a walker upstarts?

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


They weren't upstairs. It was on the first floor and Sarah for some stupid reason left the infant unattended and she was walking in her walker and fell down the basement stairs.

I hate to be where she is not, when she is not. And yet, I am always going, and she cannot follow.


Thats even more stupid because the basement should have the door closed.The parents probably shouldn't have left someone that didn't know how to take care of kids.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.



Yeah, but she really shouldn't have left the baby alone though like that. Even if it wasn't for long.

"I hate to be where she is not, when she is not. And yet, I am always going, and she cannot follow.-The Time Traveler's Wife"


Accidents happen and even though the father said she had put it behind her, she hasn't. I don't get the mother , she acts concerned one moment and then does a complete about face. Maybe it's her way of working through her grief, I guess. This is a strange movie at least to me.


It was NOT an accident!
It was at least negligence on Sarah's part by having a baby near an open door down to the stairs.
It WAS Sarah's fault.

~I can sing better than Taylor Hicks!


yes it was, the father said to the mom, you could blame me for not fixing the latch on the door or the boys for distarcting sarah or sarah for not being in two places at once, these things do happen and trying to place blame does not help because it won't undo what happened. it's all about forgiveness for the people involved


actually it was an accident.
An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm; An unforeseen incident; Lack of intention; chance;

It was no ones fault. Which is very difficult to cope with, when you have no one to blame. Usually people tend to then blame themselves...which is never good. Or blame everything/everyone that led up to the incident/accident. Also never good. Its hard to forgive a thing or an event. Or come to terms with it. Cause as difficult as it is to forgive someone else, it is even harder to forgive yourself especially when you could never have prevented it in the first place.


She said to the baby, "I'm going to go sit with your brothers now" and she left the baby in the kitchen. She SAT DOWN with the boys in the other room. At that moment she could see the baby, but even if she had seen the baby get to the stairs, she would not have been able to get there fast enough to stop the baby from falling down the stairs. She never should have left the baby in the other room.



I have to agree with you. She shouldn't have left a baby alone in a walker near stairs. At least bring the walker into the living room with you. And if you can't be watching the baby as close as you should then you should put the baby in something where they can't move.

"I hate to be where she is not, when she is not. And yet, I am always going, and she cannot follow.-The Time Traveler's Wife"


I think she like many stepped out of the room for what she thought was going to be a second to check on the boys and a tragic accident occured, she did not do it with malice and forethought, it was a horrible, tragic accident

ac·ci·dent (ks-dnt, -dnt)
a. An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm:


the problem is hiring someone else to take care of a small baby. two boys 11 and 7 is one thing, but a baby>?
the mom was nuts.

Leave your baby with your sister or a good friend or your mom. not the teenage girl across the street!!!!!
that is why I hesitate to take care of anyone else's baby. because you take your eyes off a baby for 2 seconds and something can go wrong.

Look at all the nannies who have had babies fall and die from a head injury.
The parents were more at blame than anyone.

But Sara also should have been thinking ahead of what can happen. take the baby wherever you go. that seems extreme but it is not. it is someone else's baby.

For the mom to be holding a grudge this long is unbelievable.


You all are forgetting one important point.. It was stated that the latch on the basement door was broken and the father had not gotten around to repairing it - sOOOOO the door was probably closed, just not latched.


Also, the parents should have baby-proofed their house by using a gate. The baby could have fallen down the stairs if she'd crawled there, too.
