Trolls ! AH !

Haha okay, post here if you've seen the trolls and are a) amused b) bothered c) confused or d) all of the above.

L Sparrow
Team Edward & Team Jacob
Queen Girlfriend


SO CONFUSED!!!! I came to the message board looking for any explanation!


I am always amused by trolls, they mostly dont bother me [although *some* actually do, go figure].
But in this case, trolls they may be, they do have a point. It's a bland, uninterested and uncultured piece of work.

Maybe it's just me and is it indeed the masterpiece some say it is.

Excuse me, English is not my native language.
I'm not so think as you drunk I am.


How about this one: "I am not under the anfluence of inkohol, regardless of what thinkle might peep."


YES, I HAVE SEEN THE TROLLS. And I am d) all of the above and also e) amazed that a movie like this would get financed with a troll subplot, but also that it got to the point that they actually filmed those scenes. What are your guesses on the trolls? Is it supposed to be the local people playing a trick on Lucy?? Or is it The Neverending Story meets Hope Floats?!?



You got an explanation?


Ummm. The trolls weren't in the cut that has been released on DVD here, but there are two deleted scenes where troll(s) appear.

Following the second scene, Lucy arrives at the office and overhears her secretary on the phone saying stuff that gives you the impression that the whole troll scene was a setup, i.e. to scare her.

Good job they cut that sub-sub-sub-plot though, it is pretty weak...


I was an extra in the Christmas Caroling around the Tree scene, and Yes there were Trolls there. They never explained their presence, just that they had to stand in front of the rest of us. We thought it was pretty wierd too.

Funny Story,

they got mostly choir people to come for the caroling, so we actually sounded really good. We had to re do our takes because we were too good; the production staff asked us to sing badly because it sounded too professional.
