ending help

I fell asleep after the main dude got buried under stones and the girls were trying to dig him out but gave up. I really dont fancy watching it again but wouldnt mind knowing the end?


When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.


Erh it's not that great, he gets rescued by the bald guy and his rock monster for some reason, he has a broken leg though and the stupid bad guy reveals his plan and laughs at him while he writhes in agony.

Then the bad guy has a meeting with the corrupt new mayor, and offers him Cassandra(or whoever, the one with huge breasts)if he leaves the crappy village alone. Cassandra screams and gets kidnapped, stupid hero guy makes his way home, his leg some how is no longer broken. Evil villian coems to the village with casandra so everyone can watch him become uber powerful. But the hero has a whip, gets sword, frees casandra, kills monster and villian by sticking sword in ground, everyone cheers everyones happy, bus ride home, THE END!

And in a world where good's not good enough, let's get loaded and kick up a fuss


Thank you, youre a star! It really wasnt a film I fancied watching again!

When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.


Thanks gopel88. Now I don't have to worry I missed much by missing the end.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


As they drive off though at the end, it pans down to the road where the hole was where the monster fell through. Then some of the rocks on the road start moving a little bit. Rock Monster 2...yes please!
