Jaws reference

Did anyone else catch the whole introduction of Quint, er Jon Polito's character? Down to the "You all know what I do (er, did)" line.

I love these movies. At least this time they lifted lines from one of the greats.


I just saw the movie and was coming out here to make the same comment. That was pretty funny. I wonder how many people got it? mGlad I was not the only one...it was pretty obvious.


But did you notice they got their movie references messed up?

After Polito interrupts the meeting in the town hall and does his "You all know me..." intro, the annoying American chick goes "Captain Queeg, I presume".

Captain Queeg was the character played by Humphrey Bogart in The Caine Mutiny.


There was also a Star Trek reference after Dimitar punched Cassandra:

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
