MovieChat Forums > Who Killed Malcolm X? (2020) Discussion > No mention of Louis Farrakhan

No mention of Louis Farrakhan

From all I read before this series, fingers were always pointed at Louis Farrakhan as the person most likely to have instigated the killing of Malcolm X. Find it odd that his name is never mentioned once, over a near 6 hours. Just seems like an odd omission.

Loved the series overall though.


Especially since Farrakhan doesn't really deny it. Makes the film lose its credibility.



And no mention that Farrakhan was the one who took over several of Malcolm X's positions after he left the Nation.


Farrakhan was black. This is a Netflix production. Netflix mission is to promote white guilt and to blame whites for everything under the sun. How the hell do you want them to promote white guilt reporting how the most likely instigator was another black guy?

What'd be next? Telling that the ones that kill more black people are other blacks?




White supremacists are the biggest low life, sniveling cowards & pathological liars on earth. There's rarely any point in entertaining any of their anti black "because I'm a white supremacist and I said so" psychobabble.


"white supremacist" was a doctrine that argued that whites should rule over other races in Earth. With very few exception (there's exceptions for everything), nobody argues such a thing nowadays. The word has become an insult, like 'fascist' or 'nazi'.


Psychobabble of a post if I've ever read one.

Do you have a white pointy hat?


No one is more of a low life degenerate than a white supremacist & their demonic ideology. Even they know it which is why they lie & hide like diseased rats.


No one is more of a low life degenerate than a white supremacist & their demonic ideology

As I've said before, 'white supremacist' is the new 'Satan worshipper' in the woke faith, and here there's even a straigthforward reference to demonic worshipping.

It's interesting how wokes see white supremacists everywhere, the same Christians used to see Satan worshippers everywhere. It's the same pattern, with a new religion.






Think you're confusing Farrakhan with Elijah Muhammad




Louis Farrakhan was previously know as Louis X. Do they mention him?
Louis mentioned throughout wikipedia:
Louis was threatening Malcolm's life shortly before his assignation.

There was already a documentary about Nation of Islam in 1959:

Louis and Malcolm were already saying whitey was evil back then. No mention of the UFO beliefs of the NoI cult.


I thought it odd too that Farrakhan was never mentioned. Maybe it's because he's still alive and the man who created this documentary wanted no issues with lawsuits or possible confrontations with members of the Nation of Islam. But if you pay close attention you see a young Farrakhan featured in many of the photos that show possible conspirators in Malcolm's death and those who may have plotted his ouster from the NOI out of fear or jealousy. It's like the director was pointing a finger at Farrakhan without actually saying his name. Malcolm X actually brought Farrakhan into the NOI and mentored him. Another missing item is when Muhammad Ali is shown during an interview saying "I have no doubt that Malcolm X probably will die!" after betraying Elijah Muhammad.
