MovieChat Forums > BioShock (2007) Discussion > How did you feel the first time you foug...

How did you feel the first time you fought a big daddy?

Were you scared? Cool as a cucumber? Surprised? Impressed? Awe stricken at the beauty of the beast? I was actually thinking about the role of the big daddies in rapture. How they are like fathers protecting their daughters and working by instinct like animals. I was all existential until they tried to drill my head to mush or shoot a rivet up my ass. Then I was like *beep* this *beep* Your going down, BEEYATCH!!



I lent this game to a good friend to try, and texted him a few days later asking if he liked it. "Big Daddy Hurt" was his response.
Pretty much said it all.

Personally, I had not gotten the game until some time after its release, and had heard all about how tough they were. I was pretty psyched when Atlas told me I should fight them, but man, did that big bastard kill me quick.


The first time? Well, it ended with me sitting there scratching my head on how he killed me so quickly. Seriously, I got in one shot and he kept charging me, stunning me, and using that drill to give me a lobotomy. Needless to say I hunted that bassard down and took him down (just too bad his Little Sister had gone into one of the vents by that time)

Close only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and thermo-nuclear weapons.


I felt... riveted.

I eat Lions


I was like, "Well, I'll just shoot him a bit, see what happens."

Yeah, you dont do that. Those dudes move fast!

hey Eddie... *beep* you Eddie! Suck my d!ck!! - Eddie Murphy, Raw


I was dreading it and had managed to keep sneaking around the columns to keep it away for the maximum amount of time. Having seen the opening movie after not pressing start at the title screen I was sure I was going to be fishbait. I (in my living room) began my battle cry and I charged! I used every single anti personnel/specialty bullet I had and ended up hitting him with the wrench as the last blow. Boyfriend came into the room to make sure I wasn't having a cardiac event. I had to take a break for due to extreme over excitement.

I love this game and in very short order have become very obsessed. No cheat codes, spoilers or guides for this gal - I'm enjoying the unfolding mystery and want to keep going.


i was let down by how quick i killed it was far to much hipe and it was over

I know my spelling sucks so get over it
I'm a Buffyist,ask me how! _((B))_


On Easy, a few hits with the wrench was enough. On Hard and before you gain access to the better weaponry, it was quite hard. Later on it became routine.

I actually felt a little sorry for them. They maybe raving mad, but they seem to care about the girls enough to risk their lives for them.


I was a bit scared at first. I equipped the most special of my special bullets and had my ElectroBolt plasmid on the ready. He went down fairly fast. After the second or third Big Daddy I killed, I just went around looking for 'em to kill. Even went to so much as stand right in one's face and took his picture. And yet somehow, I have never died once during both of my playthroughs of the game.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


the first time my heart was in my throat. but after i got better weapons it was easy. threw down some proximty mines, electric buck shots, and armor piercing machine gun bullets and i tuned their asses. as soon as i ran out of electric buck shots i loaded up the explosive ones.

IMDB is retarded I say I want 2 bang a hot actress and my account gets deleted IMDB


Disappointed, I just used Electro Plasmid and a gun and I got them down quickly.

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The anxiety was much worse than the encounter, but it was still an intense experience. I had heard what they could do, seen what they could do, and wasn't excited at being their target. Luckily , I had hacked two machine gun turrets earlier in the area and had a lot of help from them. It was over before I knew it, but my heart was racing. Honest.

Yet I still feel bad every time I kill one. Weird.


I feel bad sometimes, after all they are innocent just like the sisters. It's a shame you can't save them, but imagine picking one of those up in your hand.


Love the game, but I must say I felt kinda guilty killing the 'big-daddys'; those lumbering simpletons are only doing their noble duty really, protecting creatures weaker than themselves. And they didn't attack me first, unlike those Crazy Runts known as Splicers (very satisfying smashing their heads in I must say). No, I don't feel sorry for the splicers at all (... bet they smugly felt better than the rest of us when they first started shooting up those genes). Played a PS2 game a couple of years back called 'Shadow of the Colossus', which also required me to kill creatures that didn't want to attack me first ( unsatisfying - only played it for a couple of days). Yep, but I love Bioshock and realize that it is only a game.


I remember just watching it walk around for ages fascinated with how it interacted with the little sister, i experimented with seeing how close i could walk to it before it would gesture me to back off. Then i reluctantly and with a great degree of panic proceeded to blast it in the back with a tommy gun, bad idea, lol.

Overall it was awesome. I remember looking forward to seeing a big daddy so that i could strategically think of the best way to kill it in the surroundings. My favourite method was electric trip wires from the crossbow, i'd piss it off, run round a corner blast some into the walls in an X formation and it'd run straight into them and die :D


I'm replaying the game and appreciate the electro bolt tip - didn't use it much the first time through the game. Here Rosie Rosie Rosie

Bobby!Squad member on IMDB Supernatural board and proud of it!



Put bluntly, I was piss-my-pants terrified that I had to fight a Big Daddy so early on, mainly because I suck horribly at FPS. During Atlas' Guided Tour of Rapture, whenever I heard a Big Daddy I would run back and watch it leave. After watching it make short work of a Splicer, I sure didn't want to meet the business end of that drill.

Despite that, I was simply in awe when I first started. Everything looked gorgeous and tragic and I loved the music. As soon as I heard the moan of an angry Big Daddy, I thought " (Casually walkin with a wrench in hand) Wow. This is amazing. This isn't so scary. (Enter Big Daddy) DEAR GOD, I'M GONNA DIE!"

It's amazing how a player can feel with the right ambience.


I avoided him as much as I could. Then when I realized I had to fight him, I was seriously sitting on the edge of my seat. Then he killed me :( lol It was so intense.

I am free in all the ways that you are not


Killed it in a short time.

But when you play as a Big Daddy why can't you use the drill?


It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

