Season 12

Let me preface this by saying I actually do like the show and I’m nitpicking, but ...

I hate Jen. Please kill her off. Have her get run over by a moose. Or attacked by a bear. I don’t care. Just kill her off.

Who told Peter that facial hair worked for him?

Please end this Lou and Mitch stupidity.

I actually like Wyatt. Georgie acts like a female dog towards him.


Jen seems pointless really.
Peter, surprised they didn't do away with him seasons ago. Seems to only exist to take one of the kids away for a while.
Mitch looks younger than Lou not that yoga girl was a good match either.
Georgie is seriously cute and has plenty of options, I think that is part of the problem.


Yes. She is pointless. And the actress is bad. Very bad. I wonder if she’s related to a producer or director.

I used to like Peter but you’re right, he’s there just to explains Katie away.

The dragging out Mitch and Lou romance thing is so painful. They’re not Sam and Diane or Buffy and Angel or even Tony and Angela. There’s no need to drag it out so the audience had some sort of satisfaction at the long end of the road.
