... on this board, I'm sure.

Just saw the documentary, and I have this to say: Whether you support PETA's ideology/tactics or not -- or whether or not you like Ingrid's personality -- there is no way to deny her intelligence, foresight, organizational skills, passion, and, of course, compassion.

Think of the courage and fortitude it takes, every day, to publicly challenge big business, lawmakers and enforcers, a world of meat eaters and animal exploiters, and so many HATERS, and say, "You are wrong. There is a better way. Let me help you see the light."

Ingrid is no saint, but she is a bonafide hero and national treasure. Considering all that has been (and is still) arrayed against her, her accomplishments are extraordinary and laudable. History will prove her right, in time, as speciesism goes the way of racism, jingoism, sexism, homophobia, religious dogma, and all the other wastes of time and energy that disconnect us from our commonality, retard human social evolution, and keep us from living joyful lives.

"Funny like a clown? I amuse you, I make you laugh? I'm here to f--kin' amuse you?"


Um, yes I can. She lacks all intelligence and has virtually no foresight. She does have organizational skills, passion, compassion for animals (not humans) and great fundraising skills.

It doesn't take nearly as much when you make tons of money. If someone was paying me $400,000/year, I could do that with no trouble. And she is wrong, by the way. She lacks critical thinking skills, which is common from vegan diets that often lack protien and B-vitamins. And I'm not kidding.

Ingrid is a complete fool. Laughable, not laudable. Science has already proven her wrong; history will, and is, following. "Speciesism"? Are you serious? What a bunch of crap. That's why they are called PETArds.


It takes courage to take on big companies? Are you serious? Bashing large corporations is the it thing to do these days. It takes no real courage. People are taking on Wal-Mart, Home Depot, the Dairy and meat industries and ll profit making entities around the world. Capitalism is under attack and people applaud it. Ingrid is a moron, PETA is a radical ridiculous group that has lost all credibility and as someone said in the documentary, she and her group have marginalizes animal rights. She is a media whore and she is money hungry which I wouldn't mind if she were only up front about it and didn't hide behind the false shroud of animal rights.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!



"there is no way to deny her intelligence, foresight, organizational skills, passion, and, of course, compassion."

Change the her to his and you may as well be talking about any cult leader in history.

She's insane and she should get her teeth fixed.


LMFAO I LOVE THIS LADY, you not ingrid.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


The following comments are directed at anyone reading this thread or any of the boards about Newkirk or PETA who has not made up their mind about Newkirk/PETA, and who has a genuine interest/concern about animal rights.

There is a lot of hate directed toward PETA. Some of this comes from people who don't understand PETA's history, what it represents, how it functions, and what it has accomplished (and is trying to accomplish) for nonhuman AND human animals -- in effect, for the entire living planet.

Many of such people are not accustomed to critical thinking. They respond to any issue according to how they observe their family, friends, and role models responding. It's easier and safer than doing the work to sort things out for themselves. PETA often goes against mainstream thought and behavior. Most of us are uncomfortable outside of the mainstream, and many people reflexively ridicule and dismiss any thoughts/behavior that lure them from their complacency. Ignorance is bliss. But progress never comes from those who won't challenge the status quo.

Some of the hate comes from people who know just enough about PETA and its influence to feel their lifestyles and/or livelihoods threatened. Certainly, if you are employed in any industry that exploits and/or destroys animals (who, given the choice, would not be where they are or even exist at all -- i.e., bred for human benefit), then you are directly threatened just by the concept of animal rights. But the majority in this group are people who just don't want to give up their veal or fur or ice cream or foie gras or starved-then-boiled-alive lobster or leather jacket or hunting or "sport" fishing (i.e., animal torture) or rodeos (ditto on torture) or animal entertainment, or pay a few cents more for eggs from cage-free hens, etc., etc, regardless of the pain and misery the animals must endure. The term for this is speciesism, and it refers to the popular yet morally untenable belief that the human species and human needs/interests are superior to those of ALL other species (you know, like men are superior to women, whites to blacks, heteros to homos, or Christians to ... well, everybody).

People in this second group are the most likely to interpret, apply, and share what little knowledge they have in service of a predetermined conclusion: PETA is bad. They are most likely to be guilty of stereotyping, illogical analogies, fallacious reasoning, and intentional misrepresentation (or only partial representation) of the facts. Examples:

1) Rare incidences of low-level vandalism or business disruption in the context of civil disobedience by a tiny minority of PETA protesters = PETA is a violent, unlawful organization.

2) Newkirk and some of her associates have said they sympathize with the goals and activities of the ALF (and PETA has given a miniscule fraction of its multimillion-dollar budget to the legal defense of a few ALF-ers) = PETA is a terrorist group that plans, funds, and executes actions that are arguably "terrorist" and almost exclusively in the form of economic damage.

3) PETA uses hard-sell, sometimes-controversial, sometimes-exploitative, media-attracting tactics = all of PETA's "1.8 million members/supporters" (per PETA) agree 100% with these tactics ... OR these are the only ways (or even the preponderance of means) by which PETA spreads its doctrine ... OR the tactics automatically invalidate the message.

4) PETA espouses veganism = PETA has the power to shut down the meat/dairy industries and take your steak and shake (heh-heh, get it?) and leather shoes from you.

5) Newkirk sure is eccentric, funny-looking, obsessive, radical, unpleasant, dictatorial, manipulative (insert whatever you don't like about her) = I will hate PETA and all its followers. I will give lip service to "loving animals" and being against cruelty (aren't you brave!) to ease my conscience, but will feel appropriately free to ignore or downplay PETA's amazing successes ... slander its name ... and ridicule millions of people who are putting their time/labor/money where their "mouths are" in championing animal rights by backing the founding and leading organization in support of AR.

Kinda like the rest of the world should hate America because Bush and Cheney are our "leaders."


It is not my job or goal to recruit you to PETA. I am not an employee or paid advocate for any animal-rights/welfare organization. I DO believe that -- even with its faults (and it does have them) -- PETA is one of the most vital forces for positive change on Earth. But don't take my word for it. Make up your own mind. Do the research. And I mean DO the research.

I suggest starting with the PETA site. Go ahead and question everything you read. PETA has an encyclopedia of data to support its positions, and willingly (and adeptly) responds to common questions/issues from the public concerning its philosophy and operations. I have written to PETA with objections over some of its policies/procedures, and always have received polite, intelligent, and comprehensive responses.

While you are studying up, take a look at the Animal Liberation Front site. Don't be afraid. They're not the bogeymen the feds say they are, and the pursuit of knowledge is still legal in the USA. (Isn't it?) The ALF site is a little rough in its design, but there is a tremendous amount of info and intellectual analysis (if you go for that sort of thing), as well as some light/fun stuff to take the edge off a very serious subject. Especially important is this page, which is a short course in logic and argument (applicable to any debate) that should be mandatory reading and understanding for every high-school student.

Some of the world's most brilliant minds were/are behind vegetarianism, veganism, and the AR movement. See if you might want to align your thinking with these guys.

In summary, if you are an adult, let no one dictate to you how to live. But that is not the same as being aware of the consequences of your actions (or lack of action) on the environment, your health, your self-respect (and that of others) -- and keeping your eyes and mind open to alternatives that are both practical and moral.


"Funny like a clown? I amuse you, I make you laugh? I'm here to f--kin' amuse you?"


Good god. That post is pure propoganda for those feeble minded enough to be suckered by nearly outright lies.

By all means people DO the research. Just use non-AR nutjob sites as well as those mentioned above. Then actually check the use of references and see which are credible and which aren't. PETA loves to use nonsense references in the very rare cases they actually have something to use to backup anything they say. For example, Pam Anderson, PETA spokeswoman, is not a credible scientific source. Why? She has absolutely no expertise in science. She spits out what PETA tells her. ALF? Yes, the same thing. 'Intellectual analysis', or philosophy (as it's properly called) is not scientific evidence either. Is the ALF site entertainment? God yes. It is hysterically funny. Journals are reputable sources, so look for them to be referenced.

So don't be cynical, but don't be stupid either.


gkpete: Sorry to say but you need some serious counseling. Huckfinn completely proved you WRONG. His reasoning is without error. You need to get your heart connected to your brain, I suggest a spiritual-type of therapy. GOOD LUCK!


Oh, you're that kook who always posts that what you post is 100% scientific. Even though it's only 100% scientific looking.

He made no valid point, he provided no valid sources. But he does agree with you. Yes, he certainly proved me wrong. And you have no place telling anyone they need therapy.



Very nice of you to add some positive energy/thought to this and the other Ingrid/PETA/AR threads!

Thank you for the compliments. They are meaningful, even though they come from a complete stranger. I can tell your heart and mind are in the right place. And I did spend a good amount of time trying to offer a reasonable position to take on these issues.

I appreciate your comments to the haters, but, if I may paraphrase from one of my fav films, 12 Angry Men: They can't hear you. They never will.

You can present them with logic, reason, hard facts, and real science until the humanely-raised-and-unexploited cow jumps over the moon -- and they will still snap and snarl, cling to meaningless points and inaccurate info, and continually regurgitate industry propaganda that eases their consciences over what they know is wrong.

Oh, and thanks for the link. I haven't had a chance to review it, but it looks like a great site to familiarize oneself with scientific arguments against animal testing.

Peace to ALL.

"Funny like a clown? I amuse you, I make you laugh? I'm here to f--kin' amuse you?"


Well, see there is the problem. You have not presented 'hard facts', 'reason' or 'logic', much less 'hard science'. Apparently you're not even sure what those are. You've presented philosophy and religous tenents. Scientific Journals are not 'industry propaganda'. The two are easily distinguishable. That's propoganda from PETA saying otherwise. And PETA is the bastion for 'innacurate info'.

As far as animal testing, there absolutely should be human models. Why is it PETA members (PETArds) don't volunteer? It's hypocricy for them not to after all.

People know all about corporate big business, you're 40 years behind on that.


Huckfunn: I really think you will enjoy the science that offers. I have seen the founder speak twice in person at conferences! This husband/wife team completely avoids animal ethic/welfare issues, this makes them totally unbiased. They will tell it like it is at all times from a pure scientific angle only. Animal-testing had its usefullness and benefits in other centuries when we were researching on a gross medical level. Today researchers are focusing on the genetic and cellular levels. Just like playing a piano you could have the same keys pressed but in different sequences creating Ray Charles or a much different Chopin! On a lighter note I like your Goodfellas' sign-off. I actually regularly replay this "funny" scene on my VCR, I always enjoy it. For some reason some posters here refer to me as a she but I am a 44-year old male.


man o man. no pun intended. i had you pegged as a female. don't really know why. I visited your favorite site again today. nothing new. same rhetoric. good to see you back, and posting. I seriously never agree with like 90% of your comments, but i really admire your passion. cheers.


How you can call saving millions of people from needlessly suffering and dying Rhetoric? You obviously avoided clicking your mouse a few times to see and verify the truth. If you were a medical researcher with relevant training and a goal of saving your species from disease, it would be a normal, reflexive, involuntary heartfelt response, to want to show people the validity and merit of your research! 99.9% of the time these researchers will not accept a forum to have their "work" scrutinized! Seeing that taxpayer $$ is being used they still feel no obligation. My comments do NOT belong to me they are scientific facts that can be easily verified. Famous anthropoligist Margaret Mead has shown with her words and writings that the only time genuine truth gets out to the public is when it goes against the corporate and political powers in control at that time. This staus quoa does all it can to thwart small groups of people as well as individuals. ie: the Austrian Physician who was ridiculed for over 10 years before his science and self-testing was recognized that showed and proved how most ulcer therapy was effective through anti-biotic treatment! Guys like Ralph Nader getting only 3% of the vote when it could easily be shown how he would be a much better President than any of the other major candidates. WAKE-UP! you are being fed spoonfulls of truth but ignore it due to it making you feel uncomfortable. Logic dictates that those who engage in animal testing and at the same time admit it's uselessness while needing this employment to feed their families are the ones to believe. I had to point this out to you since your have shown that you are not interested in THINKING and RESEARCHING this matter at all.


VERY well said Huckfinn. You are wise and mature. All that you state is 100% true. The only problem is that these other fools refuse to put in the TIME simply because they really do not care. Your words are indicative of the long study you put into this issue, way to go.


LMFAO! You can't buy that kind of comedy. Thanks.
