PETA: People for Extortion, Terror, and Abuse.

I understand that PETA is an activist group with their own beliefs, values, and ethics (or lack of ethics). They have every right to believe what they believe, that's what America is all about. Everyone has freedom of speech, including PETA.

But, they DO NOT have the right to commit violent acts to get their message across. Nobody has this right. PETA thinks it has the right to tell you, me, and the rest of the world how to live. They condone arson, bombings, harassment, and more violent crimes. Animal cruelty is a serious problem. Torturing an animal is wrong and evil, and there are laws in place to address that, but they can't right all the wrongs. All of this is true, but it DOES NOT mean that PETA's insanity is justified. They do not exist outside of the law, they have to obey the same rules as the rest of us, but they are under the delusion that they are exempt from the law. This is not true.

PETA loves animals and not people. It's clear. They are the ones who have trivialized the Holocaust. They are the ones saying that we should never cure AIDS if it means we have to expirament on a rat. In PETA's world, there are no pets, no Kentucky Derby, no fishing, no zoos, and no animal shows. They even are against SERVICE ANIMALS like GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND! They are opposed to ALL of the animal research that can save human lives. Diseases like cancer, sickle cell, AIDS, and diabetes are all closer to being cured by animal research. People are dying all over the world from these diseases. Animal Research is helping them, and PETA IS TRYING TO STAND IN THEIR WAY.

Oh, here's another little fun fact. The vice president of PETA, Mary Beth Sweetland is a diabetic. She injects herself with insulin to keep herself alive, even though this medical technology was developed through ANIMAL TESTING using dogs. She is a hypocrite and a fraud. She and her organization denounce animal testing and she is reaping the benefits. If Mary Beth Sweetland believed in anything, she would let herself DIE before using medicine developed through animal testing. Complete and total hypocracy.

We as a society need to teach our children to love and respect animals, we should NOT teach them how to strike matches and throw bombs like PETA does. PETA is a group of eco-terrorists who are violent and dangerous. I urge all of you pet lovers, people with sick and dying loved ones, and those who love animals in general, to think twice before donating to PETA.

When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all. -Futurama


Don't worry, you are not alone. I completely agree with you as does my entire Kennel Club. PETA is a very bad organization that looks to do away with dogs and cats as pets.


Your statements are well put. Although I agree that there are terrible things happening to animals, PETA is going about it all wrong.


I'm not for or against PETA but the Kentucky Derby, fishing, zoos, animal shows, and other acts of animal exploitation should be boycotted by anybody who has a respect for life other than their own. What's the difference between performing medical experiments on humans and other animals? If we want to help cure a disease for human beings than shouldn't we be testing on human beings? Wouldn't that make more sense? I'm for neither personally.

"It may one day come to be recognized that the number of the legs, the villosity of the skin, or the termination of the os sacrum are reasons equally insufficient for abandoning a sensitive being to the same fate.

What else is it that should trace the insuperable line? Is it the faculty of reason or perhaps the faculty of discourse? But a full-grown horse or dog is beyond comparison a more rational, as well as more conversable animal, than an infant of a day or a week or even a month old. But suppose they were otherwise, what would it avail?

The question is not, Can they reason?, nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?

Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive being? The time will come when humanity will extend its mantle over everything which breathes ..."

-Jeremy Bentham


Yes. And PETArds should volunteer to be human subjects first. Otherwise they are hypocrites.

Sorry j, the rest of that post is just too esoteric and philisophical. There isn't a perfect world and at some point survival becomes more important than compassion. And making a stupid comparison of an infant to an adult horse is just rubbish. Apples and comets comparison.


It's funny that Ingrid "fights" the rights of animals and wishes that animals are not mistreated. But by her argument, PEOPLE are animals too. Does she ever take into account the feelings of people who she attacks? I doubt it. Ingrid is nothing but a total media whore.

I will not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
I will face my fear.
I will let it pass through me.


Ingrid is nothing but a total media whore.

Ingrid Newkirk on the press: "We are complete press sluts."



hahaha. it's your favorite website again!! LAMO!! For a minute I thought you just might have some new material. You almost had me Gja-5!! Nice. Well, I read your website, give mine a shot.

It's quotes from your Capo. Führer Newkirk herself.


You cited a front-group website(CCF) that was started up overnight with 3 million dollars from several corporations for the purpose of discrediting the people and groups telling the public the truth. They are their to serve the profit interests of big- business NOT the consumer. You have showed the world where your heart is and how very small it is too. SHAME SHAME They even go after groups started by America's most altruistic consumer advocate Ralph Nader! Are you old enough to remember this true heroe and patriot? If not, it is obvious you will not look up and see how many lives he is responsible for saving.


Not entirely. You can fake opinions and comments, but when they use credible research, then it is no longer the site that is the object. The same cannot be said of PETA, who frequently lacks any research to back up it's claims, much less credible research. And PETA has used that tactic for years, likely even first. PETA has at least 8, and likely far more, pseudo-sites full of emotion and anecdote.


If you keep spamming the board with that scam-website, you will be reported to imdb. Sweetheart, simply because there is a website which any 11 year old can create and upload these days, does not make it the truth. You have been completely brainwashed and blinkered by a site that even to a 9 year old, is an obvious fraud. Please, wake up to the truth. Clinging to a clearly debunked site, simply because you WANT to believe it, is not helping you, and only makes you look dopey and very gullible. Do you also reply to Nigera scams as well?

If you are to spam, at least do it with sites that aren't full sh*t and contain no science, nor facts, let alone scientific facts. Please think for yourself and trust the medical profession not dangerous sects that you are obviously very susseptible to being brainwashed from.

"All I want for Christmas is world domination."
Salem Saberhagen


They are a very dangerous sect alright, one only has to look at certain posters on this board to realise how gullible some are, and how peta manipulates them with obvious bullsh*t and works them over, causing them to repeat mantras and spam sites over and over like brainwashed robot clones. Its really scarey and reminds me of victims of religious sects, programmed to repeat slogans over and over and over and over, without any thought (lights are on no one is home) as if repeating bullsh&t over and over and over in a robotic manner will somehow eventually overtime change it from bullsh*t to fact.

Bullsh*t no matter how many times it is spammed and repeated by the drones, will remain bullsh*t. Especially when FACTS are there for them, the drones simply need to gather the courage to open their eyes to the truth and stop gullibly believing all the garbage they read on the internet, as if it was fact, as if it outweighs the billions of people in the medical profession. It never will.

"All I want for Christmas is world domination."
Salem Saberhagen



Yeah, these ass holes have been trying for years to get my University to change its' mascot. I go to the University of South Carolina, home of the Fighting Gamecocks. Our mascot is actually named after Revolutionary War hero General Thomas 'The Gamecock' Sumter, a fact that seems to be lost on PETA.


All facts are lost on PETA.


You said "billions of people in the medical profession". The world's population is 6 billion. You are saying a third of them are medically trained. This would include children too.


OK, first, this may be my favorite thread EVER.

One thing that made me laug my a$$ off is when the distinguished Ms. Newkirk appeared on Real Time with Bill "The Enabler" Maher and stated that everyone on the planet should immediately stop eating beef. The basis of her claim is that eating beef contributes to global warming! How? The methane introduced by cattle into the environment via 'cow farts' (her words) was significantly contributing to the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, thus causing global warming (I'll try not to get started on that topic). So everybody should stop eating beef right now, admonished Newkirk.

However, she did not say anything about how every person on the planet discontinuing their beef consumption would help to prevent global warming, since cattle would stop being butchered, but would not stop reproducing, causing much more methane to be released, actually accelerating global warming!

So what to do? I would think if she was that concerned about global warming she would encourage people to eat more beef. But since that does not seem to be what PETArds consider a moral choice, I can only believe that in order to prevent global warming contributions via cow farts, Ms. Newkirk is left with condoning only one course of action: EXTERMINATE THE SPECIES.

It's the only option, Ingrid.

PETA = Terrorist organization. Fact, not opinion.

'Nuff Said. I thank everyone on this thread for letting me know I'm not the only one that sees the insanity, destructiveness, and fearsome power of this organization.



I didn't know about this until just now lol. I had always thought Ingrid is a "little" bit too extreme on her + PETA's policies, just a little.

Anyway, I read earlier on about how she "offered Sharon Stone a free brain scan" because Sharon hasn't got any compassion in her.

Well, that just made me completely disagree with Ingrid. I mean, yeah Stone said the wrong thing about China's earthquake and stuff. But offering her a brain scan is just pathetic. Even if it's a genuine offer, it will definitely still pass as a sick sarcastic unfunny joke.


It's funny Ingrid would offer someone else a brain scan. Even funnier is that she realted no brain to no compassion. She's such an idiot.

