Bill Maher eats meat?

I'm a fan of Bill Maher. Likewise, I think Peta ideals are good, but their extremism is not. The "e" of their name.... ie "ethical"... I see very little ethics in Peta efforts. That said, I heard that Bill Maher eats meat. Is that true? One board member takes animal insulin, another eats meat?



Yep. PETA senior VP Mary Beth Sweetland had admitted to reliance on insulin, and further claimed that the element of hypocrisy escapes her.

Feeling Shifty?


The element of hypocrisy escapes all PETArds. It's part of the brain damage that takes place in the processing of a member.


PETArds, how original. Did you think that up all by yourself?

If you act like an idiot, don't be surprised if people start throwing rocks at you....


So, killing fish by way of depleting their oxygen supply is not cruelty eh?



I bet you get hit by a lot of rocks Muppetlass87.


Not being an idiot, I do not.

The more people I meet, the more I get why Jane Goodall spends all of her time with chimps.....


You do not what? You do not bet that you get hit by a lot of rocks? If I was you I'd take that bet.

Also did you know Chimps will actually kill and eat the babies of rival chimp colonies? They'll also steal from, and even rape other chimps. Instead of trying to identify with animals, why don't you step out of your cloistered little world and meet a few people. A Bengal Tiger, as rare a beautiful as it is probably wouldn't lend you its coat if you were freezing to death, or pull you from a burning car. A human just mite! Unless you keep up with all of this PETA nonsense.


Well, the OP's question was resolved. Now, did you guys see the movie or just come to vent? Not that I blame you; we all need to vent.


>>Not being an idiot, I do not. <<

Well, unfortuanetly for you, that's not the way it works. YOU don't get to decide for everybody else that you're not an idiot, especially when you insist on saying such stupid things.

Which reminds me, *throws rock*
