Was I the only one that enjoyed this documentary?

I thought it was really good.


I really enjoyed it too. I think it was an honest portrayal. Something I found really interesting was when they spoke to the investigators, because I had always wondered how they could do what they do.


I enjoyed it, too. I learned a lot and thought it was well done.

But I still came away from it feeling that PeTa is a bunch of overzealous hypocrites.


I enjoyed it.

If you act like an idiot, don't be surprised if people start throwing rocks at you....


i loved it too although i cried alot. it is predictable for people to attack it when they can't think for themselves and can only see animals as the majority of the world sees them- as food, science subjects and pets- how come people don't wonder about how evil humans are? everyone thinks we are right and we are the smart ones and dont even question us or humans past. i feel like im smart and everyone else is dumb i bet you peta feels the same way thats why i loved them so much. we shouldnt have the right to have pets and yes i love my pets but they should be able to be free. my dog shouldnt have to go around on a leash and be confined to a backyard when im not there. he should have the right to go exploring.
we took over the world and *beep* it up. we don't deserve to be here.

feel grateful if you disagree with me and PETA, because it's a really hard life fighting this battle and feeling so much pain and sympathy for these creatures, knowing it's never going to change in your lifetime.


When I see things like Ingrid caring for the neglected dogs, I think of that story about the little boy throwing the beached starfish back into the water. "It made a difference to that one." We can only change things one animal at a time and one person at a time, even if we don't see a difference in the big picture in our lifetimes.

"I prefer to remember things my own way ... not necessarily the way they happened."


I really liked it as well. I thought this was one of the better documentaries I'd ever seen. I know that PeTA does pull a lot of stunts and such, but no matter what you think about the organization that was the subject, this was some darn good documentary filmmaking.
