MovieChat Forums > Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) Discussion > Don't let your gf make you watch this

Don't let your gf make you watch this

Show her this post if you have too. My gf made me rent this, and I couldn't get through 40 minutes. The movie is basically about this girl that ran up tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt by purchasing frivolous odds and ends relating to apparel. Does this sound interesting to you guys? Can you relate to this at all? Probably not, and you'll steadily more pissed off every minute that goes by.

My gf and I almost broke up over this incident. I was so incensed that I wasn't sure if there was anything left between us; if she desired to view this disaster, what else lay beneath? Bear in mind, we'd been together for 5 years at this point. We're better now, but the specter of the "Confessions" incident always looms overhead.


You must not have much a relationship if you are willing to let a movie come between you two. I have been married almost 13 years and no movie has ever come between us. You need to grow up.



Just want to let you know that sprinkel is very feminine username. I'm actually suprised to learn you're a guy.

Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty


Yeah, I'd have to agree with the other replies. My cousin put this on for us to watch, and I'm NOT a fan of chick-flicks so I don't care to ever watch it again. Unless you're just exaggerating for comedic effect, the fact that you'd get incensed enough to possibly initiate the breakup of a five-year relationship isn't any less embarrassing than your girlfriend's making you watch this movie in the first place. Everyone's entitled to liking something crappy now and then, sounds like it was just a "bad call"...?
