MovieChat Forums > Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) Discussion > Why didn't Angelina Jolie play this part...

Why didn't Angelina Jolie play this part?

It seems so fitting for her.


She's too old

reply flash she and isla fisher are about the same age


But Angie LOOKS older. And I don't think ANYONE would buy Angelina being innocent and ditsy like Isla. Plus, Isla just seems to fit Becky.

...... Because you were home.


No one I know likes Angelina Jolie


Angelina would be totally wrong in a part like this. Like someone already pointed out, Angelina looks a lot older than she is. If I didn't know her actual age, I'd put her in her late 30's. Plus Angelina is all about appearing sexy. Totally wrong for Becky. Can you actually picture Angelina doing all the silly stuff that Isla did as Becky? I can't.

I thought Isla was pretty good as Becky.

-"Tell our story Christian"
-"I'm flying high defying gravity"
-"Moo with me"


Angelina seems as fitting for this role as Isla would for Angelinas role in Wanted. Oh yeah. Unofficial Forum


Angelina??? Um, I don't think so...She does look too old to play Becky. Isla Fisher looks younger than she actually is and that's why she's good in this role. Don't forget that Bex is 25 in the 1st book! Plus, she is just soooooo NOT funny...

I Jane, Joanne, Stephenie, Will, Oscar & Charles


I'm not sure whether the OP is joking.
If not, and I'd be surprised, Why the heck would she even consider to act in something like this?

Can you really imagine Angelina Jolie giggling around the city, wearing orange and pink outfits?

This film's crap, let's slash the seats


Err... is this a joke? Angelina Jolie?? She likes challenging roles, not that of a ditzy airhead lameo..




what?!!! its totally not fitting for her. shes not young, beautiful or funny. she does look older than she is and shes sexy but not beautiful. i cant picture her playing this kind of a person. its fitting for isla, but deff not for angelina.



Jolie is set to play in the sequel: Confessions of a Shopaholic 2: Babies R Us.


I'm so glad she didn't, she wouldn't have pulled it off.


Because it would be terrible if she was Becky. She is way too old (Becky is 23 in the first book) and not believable at all. I thought Isla was perfect as Becky Bloomwood!


I have to disagree. Angelina Jolie does not come off like a "girl who just wants to have fun" or the bubbly type who knows fashion. Angelina has become equated with a female-007 bad girl. In comparison, she's dark as a gothic box of rocks that collects kids, not amazing designer shoes.

Living my life vicariously through cinema


By what major (impossible) stretch of the imagination is Angelina Jolie even remotely right to play this role???


No words can describe how wrong Angelina would be for this role. Why would anyone think that?

"I always carry a mouse in my pocket for these such occasions"



You know what, OP. I can see it.

From what I got from the books, I got the impression that Becky was the picture of perfection on the outside; looked like she had it all together... she just happened to be a little ditzy and financial irresponsible, lol. Plus, IMO, Angelina is one of the best actresses out there. I have no problem imagining her in the role.

"I'M TRYNA %#@*! DO A SCENE HERE AND I'M GOING...'why the %#@! is Shane walkin' in there...??'" >:O


Angelina is a good actress....but so is Meryl Streep...Do you see where i'm going with this? :P
She is very sexy and sophisticated ect....But Isla is more funny, she doesnt appear serious or seem to take the role seriously (i'm sure she does, but shes not trying to be becky...she just fits...if that makes sense) Angelina, is to serious to do this kind of role...there nothing wrong with that :)

Wherever, whatever, have a nice day...


Even when Angelina Jolie was younger, she wouldn't have been right for this kind of movie.

Imagine her Hackers character in this movie. Somehow it just doesn't work. She's more the "serious" actress now anyway. Isla Fisher LOOKS younger and has that bubbly style of acting that seemed perfect for the role.


it seems completely wrong for her to me!
she doesn't really have any movies where she played this type of role (bright, bubbly, ditzy) and she's usually in a serious role or a cut-throat b*tch type of role so it it wouldn't have been very believable either
i don't know but i definitely can't see her in this role


Angelina as Bex? Nope, sorry, can't see it.
Isla is perfect for this role.
Angelina fits roles that are darker, sexier (Isla is sexy, but Angie has a more sophisticated/mature tone)...

If Angelina WAS casted in COAS, she'd be ok as... hmm... Alette.
