MovieChat Forums > Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) Discussion > How much credit card debt to you have?

How much credit card debt to you have?

The film's central character has over $9000 in credit card debt, right?

That's really not very much at all. The average American has anywhere between $5000-$8000 in credit card debt.

There are people out there with $50,000, even $100,000 in credit card debt.

I hope that makes a lot of you feel better. Not that you want to carry around any debt, but there are many people far worse off than you.

Just curious - is anyone out there willing to "confess" to a huge amount of credit card debt?


She had $16,000 in credit card debt, I think. But I was expecting it to be much more. I will not say exactly how much debt I have had, but at one point it was close to that number. It's significantly lower now that I'm getting older and able to put off spending more money and pay off the things I have already bought.


I don't have any personally. But my mom has around 2,000 or so in debt.


her debt was serious, but not terribly bad.

i have $2200 of credit card debt. that does not include student loans... or the money i borrowed from my parents to buy a car.

oh my god, i'm more in debt than even becky bloomwood...




Why not get a Visa debit card? That way you can shop online while only using the funds in your bank account.

This message proudly brought to you by Visa lol.



Yep, I use a visa debit card too! I'd rather use that than credit and have avoided credit cards so far, I hope that will last for a while.

I do have loads of HECS debt for uni though, now I think about it, but I try to avoid that thought. :-(


AMEN! they should teach the younger generation how to balance a checkbook and FINANCE... oh but we can only DREAM... and WHERE would all the credit card companies be... with Merrill Lynch.


My mother got me a debit card for that reason. She didn't want me to into debt by overspending. If I spend money, I have to watch how much funds I have left before I plan to buy anything. The only reason my mother has a credit card is because some places only accept that. She usually uses her debit card.

"Death is too easy for you, BITCH!...I want you to suffer."


I'm 17 so I dont have a card...but my parents have never had any debt whatsoever...they've never thought to spend money they didnt have..


LovesPacino >> I am the same way. I do not understand how people can buy crap and not pay it. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY-DO NOT BUY IT. And instead of getting loans for school, get a grant! Get money like FAFSA that you don't have to pay back .IT'S NOT THAT HARD PEOPLE!!!!STOP OVER SPENDING!!!!


Lots of students, in fact most, do not qualify for grants. Many middle-class students, whose parents still don't have $60,000 a year to pay for tuition and room and board, still earn more than the cut-off for grants -- the cut-offs income wise are very low. Loans are sometimes a necessity for students, if they want a degree. It's also impossible for a college student to earn enough at a job to pay for a 40,000 tuition each year.


I had around $18,000 of credit card debt, not to mention student loans (another $20,000) plus what I owe my parents for college (not actually sure of that figure; around $30,000 I'm sure)... I paid off the credit card debt, and my small loan ($2,000) after about 2 years of teaching English in Korea. I'm still over here, teaching and loving life - I spend money a lot, and still manage to pay off my debt. It's quite a nice life ^^


you managed to pay off debt because of the ESL program? I plan on teaching but in China... I don't really have goals to pay off debt with my money but i would love to hear about how your experience with Korea was! You know, as a reference of what I should expect! =P


No credit card debt... I do have a mortgage and $6,000 in student loans left to pay off!


In credit card debt I have about $2200. But that's not to mention the $35,000 in student loans I get to start paying off when I'm out of school next May! Ugh.



r.i.p Heathy, 4.4.1979-1.22.08.
You will be missed eternally.



I don't have a credit card.

I don't have any loans or other kind of debt.

I did have a loan once. I paid it back. Then again I don't speak Prada.

Sir Al's search for his Apprentice continues ...


thins is, when was this book written??? and the fact is she was in debt so it's a huge deal and interest on top. think.

"You Mean Me?!"- Death Becomes Her- Meryl Streep
