MovieChat Forums > Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) Discussion > That Green Scarf should be Wrapped Aroun...

That Green Scarf should be Wrapped Around Becky's Neck

What a stupid film! If ever I needed to see a movie right now that describes perfectly the state of personal finance in this country, this is it. Credit card debt, irresponsibility, consumer overload mentality not to mention the sociopathic lead character and voila! We have any number of people on the high street spending their way into financial oblivion with credit cards.

Of course, such a topic as the state of personal finance in the nation is too huge to tackle in a movie review, especially when the movie itself is so substandard, but this movie annoyed the heck out of me. From the hysterical, unfunny airhead portrayal of Rebecca Bloomwood to the smarmy (and completely unbelievable) Luke Brandon, I found myself wondering what fool greenlighted this pointless waste of time, money and talent. Isla Fisher has played some decent roles but this one is a real stinker that could wreck whatever career she has left.

From a vapid pack of shrieking women trying to run in heels while assailing a clearance sale to the entire premise that a lying fake such as Becky Bloomwood has the financial chops to save a magazine with her banal articles, I realized the movie was probably intended as a credit card primer for the pre-teen crowd. Let me suspend reality for a moment. Either that, or this country is so full of dumbed down individuals who need to liken their personal finance/lives to the wearability of coats and shoes that we really don't need to wonder any longer why the average american carries $18000 in consumer debt. I cringe. This entire movie with its cluelessly childish dumbcluck 'heroine', her garish clothes and unfunny slapstick is sugar-spun cringeworthy garbage.

"I was once stalked ... by a dog." Um OK. Pass the margaritas while I get drunk to pass the time and slap my thigh at such thought provoking humor. And then I'll wonder for a nanosecond why a bunch of high flying financial wizzes would even imagine for a moment that a redheaded airhead with an umbrella in her drink could remotely have anything illuminating to say. Then, I'll pinch the friend who dragged me to this stultifying crap to see if she's still awake.


Wow, ya know. That's really harsh. I thought it was okay. It wasn't anything like the book. I'll give you that much. But, it was a cute movie, while it was in the theater. However, when they put it onto DVD, they cut several scenes out of it. They whittled it down to a one-hour movie for some unknown reason. So, the DVD is crap.


Wow, ya know. That's really harsh. I thought it was okay. It wasn't anything like the book. I'll give you that much. But, it was a cute movie, while it was in the theater. However, when they put it onto DVD, they cut several scenes out of it. They whittled it down to a one-hour movie for some unknown reason. So, the DVD is crap.

What DVD did you buy?! My DVD is 105 minutes, closer to 2 hours than an hour. And what movie version is on the DVD is the same version of the movie that I saw in the theater.

-"Tell our story Christian"
-"I'm flying high defying gravity"
-"Moo with me"


The movie I have is 105 minutes too. I thought the part where her parents' neighbor's son had a crush on her, and they thought she was after him was in the movie. And, how she caused those neighbors to lose their life savings. And, there was a time when she went shopping and to an event, and her best friend met her there. Where's all that?!


The movie I have is 105 minutes too. I thought the part where her parents' neighbor's son had a crush on her, and they thought she was after him was in the movie. And, how she caused those neighbors to lose their life savings. And, there was a time when she went shopping and to an event, and her best friend met her there. Where's all that?!

None of that is in the movie-not in the movie theater version or in the DVD, at least certainly not in the theater version I saw.

-"Tell our story Christian"
-"I'm flying high defying gravity"
-"Moo with me"


Hmmm it's almost a typical rom-com except that it deals with a real issue.

I know from experience that "high" from shopping. The LaBoutin heels, the Gucci bags (the even serve you champagne), the Chanel jacket. It's intoxicating. Like the main character, I resorted to cutting up my cards to stop me from spending on them.

Was it a pretty vapid movie? yes. Was it a very real scenario? Yes.

"Leave the gun. Take the canolli."


The book was a lot better. But Hollywood looks a bit tone-deaf releasing a film like this at this particular time.

Luckily the main character is young and is not in a ruinous amount of debt.

But with job losses the way they are, people are worrying who ordinarily wouldn't have to worry about making the payments.

I was an actor once, damn it. NOW look at me. LOOK at me!


excuse me while i carry on living my life and dont spend my time making long boring threads about movies i dont like that, at the end of the day, mean nothing to anyone. congratulations on having an opinion and being stupid enough to think someone else actually cares about it.


excuse me while i carry on living my life and dont spend my time making long boring threads about movies i dont like that, at the end of the day, mean nothing to anyone. congratulations on having an opinion and being stupid enough to think someone else actually cares about it.

Well, you read the whole thing and care enough to get angry and write a reply berating the OP and telling him/her you don't care. :P


"Well, you read the whole thing "

not true, i think i only got halfway through before getting bored n hitting reply.

"and care enough to get angry "

that wasnt anger, it was irritation.

"and write a reply berating the OP and telling him/her you don't care"

yes and..? i dont care what they think, i care that theyre wasting my time. was it too hard for you to follow? im sorry. ill try to spell it out clearer next time.



This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I've read on IMDB.

The only one wasting your "precious" time here is you.

Unbelievable there really are people this idiotic!!



"This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I've read on IMDB. "

its unfortunate you dont get to experience reading your own posts then. but i suppose an artist never really gets to appreciate their own work.

"The only one wasting your "precious" time here is you. "

i see youve got your own style of english where you disregard the correct use of quotes by just making them up. its this part that makes me unsure if youre actually responding to me or the OP. but since you are responding to my message ill press forward. oh well, who needs to respond to real quotes when we can just make them up? that said...

"I'm too stupid to function. "

i agree.

"Unbelievable there really are people this idiotic!! "

dont sell yourself short. we cant all be geniuses.


*Quote - organised_chaos_
yes and..? i dont care what they think, i care that theyre wasting my time. was it too hard for you to follow? im sorry. ill try to spell it out clearer next time.
End Quote*

So WHERE is this quote that I made up?

*Quote - organised_chaos_
"I'm too stupid to function. "
End Quote*

I have to agree ... you definitely are!

Have a great holiday!


LOL its a bit sad that i have to point this out to you.

"The only one wasting your "precious" time here is you. "

because youre not worth anything more than the wikipedia reference here you go:

"Quotation marks or inverted commas (informally referred to as quotes[1] and speech marks) are punctuation marks used in pairs to set off speech, a quotation, a phrase, or a word. They come as a pair of opening and closing marks in either of two styles: single (‘. . .’) or double (“. . .”).

Single or double quotation marks denote either speech or a quotation."

so where do we find the word "precious" in this quote you so generously provided:

"yes and..? i dont care what they think, i care that theyre wasting my time. was it too hard for you to follow? im sorry. ill try to spell it out clearer next time."

nice addition at the end by the way. using my exact same line... might as well just not reply next time and sign off with "NO, YOU ARE". itll save you time, effort and have the same effect.


You are a *beep* retard.



hey pot, havent seen your black ass in ages.


I just say it like it is.


care factor? the initial comment while stupid and utterly useless made some semblance of a point, why follow it up with this? are you actually trying to defend your position or justify your opinion...dumbass.


My position and my opinion would be the same thing...

But my statement was neither. It was simple fact.



Someone needs to find the Caps lock button. =)


ok i found it, its under the tab button. what do i win?


Hey, I even liked this movie and I sure didn't expect to.

Some think Seventysevenyearoldguy is senile, so this is one of my last posts under that screenname.


Yes, I love it when idiot posters claim they are superior to a thread but still feel compelled to post on that same thread. Whatever!


lol. I kinda love that the original poster's only post is this one, and that they joined imdb on the same date. The movie must have pissed them off a fair bit if they joined this site just to post a little rant about it. Honestly, get over it.

Big Gay Al, it has recently come to our attention that you are gay.


LOL, some people don't have open minds. This was a fun, cute movie. Just because he/she didn't like it, doesn't mean other people didn't. I (and everyone I know) loved and enjoyed this movie. Even those that have read the book didn't mind or care that this movie was not an exact replica from the books. If it was, why bother reading the books. The author would not like that, lol.
Also, there's not a single movie out there that was adapted from a book that's an exact replica...that would be impossible to translate into the big screen even with epic films like HP, LOTR, Twilight series, etc. None of them are perfect. There's always something that fans of the book will never be satisfied with. That's why movies and books are two separate things. Besides, if you want to know more details after watching the movie, you can always read the books to find out more. Movies are just there to give you visuals.

Check out my P&P (2005) forum:


Did you mean to say that she should be strangled with the scarf? Because scarves are generally intended to be wrapped around necks...

"Just because you understand the mechanics of how something works doesnt make it any less of a miracle"


Rebecca was such an unlikeable character. A movie about Luke Brandon would've been much more interesting.


I didn't like Becky at all...and if the main fans of this film are creatures like that organized chaos person, all I can glean from that is it attracts mean, spiteful, horrible trolls. So makes me want to watch it ever again even less, if possible.
