I dont get it...

I just dont get why this movie is so critically acclaimed. It has a 100% rating on rotten tomatoes and seems to be liked a majority of those who view.

I have a very open mind when it comes to movies and will watch almost anything. I love Gus Van Sant, Charlie Kaufman and David Lynch films. It seems Guy Madden has a similar style and execution to these directors but I could just not get into this film. I fell asleep...twice.

I guess I will give it another shot but I might have to brew some coffee beforehand.



Never fallen asleep to a movie before. How is this possible? I suppose it's a joke.

Anyways, I found this film hilarious and extremely entertaining. Can't see how this could be considered dull, but people do laugh at different things of course.

Somebody here has been drinking and I'm sad to say it ain't me - Allan Francis Doyle


Whether or not the film is dull, it's certainly dreamlike -more so than any other film I've seen. I don't think this is a good thing. But even if you do think it's a good thing, you shouldn't be surprised that it sends people to sleep.


I have had 4 hrs sleep in the last 48 hours and just finished watching this film. I thought it may have some dreamy sleep inducing type qualities like 'Saddest Music' but it was far too fast paced and entertaining for me to get sleepy.

Loved it.


I don't think there's anything anyone can tell you to improve the experience. Guy is similar to the other directors you mentioned in that he's a true oddball and his output is manifestly not going to appeal to everyone, but his style is all his. I'd say David Lynch's work is more similar than the others, but even that's misleading . . Lynch displays a really dark edge; Guy comes across as more of an innocent.

Give "My Winnipeg" one more shot. If it doesn't take, you're unlikely to dig any of his other films. Don't feel like you "should" enjoy his style . . you either do or you don't. A for effort, but don't torture yourself.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I must atone.


don't feel bad for not 'getting it' maybe there's nothing to 'get'. After all isn't the meaning of a film something to be decided by the viewer? if you don't feel anything for the film then turn it off and watch another or even try watching it again in a few years and you might appreciate it then (I've experienced that).

I've also seen some artsy films that I've really loved where few people have and other '100% rotten tomato' films I've watched that have put me to sleep...

it's normal.
