Escape into Evolution

I found it fascinating when the marine biologist described the terrible violence of small life under the ice, that creatures there were worse than any imagined in science fiction; more frightening than any writers can conceive.

Herzog then asks an incredible question; could it be that humans left the oceans to escape these horrors? And the fellow thought a moment and said, "Yes".

A light went on deep inside my brain, an,"aha!" moment; a primordal memory awakened? I knew as a profound truth that escape was the impetus for our evolution.

I always believed Man evolved in movement toward something positive; that we "went toward the light". Now I believe we were escaping from the darkness. There is a spiritual point there, but I`m not sure what it is. I guess that it is which direction Man is facing; are we fundamentally brave or fearful?

Either way, we got out; that is what matters.


It wasn't like fully formed humans crawling out of the sea, but some vaguely fishlike thing...hundreds of millions of years ago.


As advanced as we become though, it's still a biological imperative that is at the root of everything we do.
