But why the dog?!


This movie has no meaning of the dog is dead.


Because the dog has an energy signature just like any living thing.

"My name is Pumpkin_Masher and I approve this message."


> Because the dog has an energy signature just like any living thing.

So, are you thinking that these aliens tracked down every living thing on earth and turned them into dust? Birds, cats, humans, dogs, rats, and so on?

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Their "mines" that they were building where the main reason behind their visit. But yea, I think anything moving around with an energy signature in the area would get dusted.

"My name is Pumpkin_Masher and I approve this message."


> I think anything moving around with an energy signature in the area would get dusted.

"in the area"

Interesting point. So you think that the aliens only bother exterminating humans near the mining towers and left a few billion humans free to gather together and figure out a way to strike back.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Humans were nothing but food to these creatures, do you often assume your food will strike back? (Admittedly if you eat spicy food...)
