extremely offensive part

An adult trying to seduce a 10-year old is supposed to be funny? The law finds no humor in it. The adult could [ and should] be prosecuted for that. Shame on the writers for including that in the script. Even though it only reached the point of innuendo, the situation was disgusting.


You sound like a real party! Glad to see the racial stereotyping didn't bother you and this is what got under your skin. By the way this movie is AWFUL.



If that seriously offends you, then you should by no means ever watch a comedy. I can't believe out of all the racism and nudity and 'bad language' or whatever you wanna call it, you get offended at a woman flirting with a kid. Watch Team America, now that's offensive, hilarious, but offensive.

I love you, and you don't pay me.


Jibby addresses this concern in the film, tells Babs she is the one they'd blame, because she's the adult when she asks "who would blame her." The subplot is funny because Babs is an overtly sexual woman and here's this overgrown kid who is said to be 10 years old but he looks like a plaything to her. Plus, you catch the part where Peter tells Babs he has to go do some things, including shave?

Who really knows if Peter is 10 or not. I mean, the Sellecks are a fairly dysfunctional family as portrayed by Ben Selleck's disinterest for his wife, haha, and a graduate student daughter "settling" for a man band guy? That's some education she's getting. And if Ben is willing to pretend he is going to die to sell cars, why wouldn't he pretend his dysfunctional son is really 10 years old? :P

Either way, I think it was a much stronger point of the film than say Don Ready's awkward flashback of McDermott in 'Querque. That just wasn't funny at all and seemed so thrown together that its featured as a short over at FunnyOrDie, which features mostly not funny shorts.

"When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep ... and you're never really awake."


"The law finds no humor in it."

Yeah, it's wise to use the law as your guide to humor.



I know when I'm in the mood to laugh I just have to turn to Article 251 Section 4 of the California penal code


Not ten years old.

[insert any male actor under 59] MUST play The Joker in the next Batman. Or Captan America.


yeah, it really seems like these people think it was a grown actor portraying a kid not a mentally challenged adult.


It was funny BECAUSE it was so offensive.

Horror Rock Story http://www.amazon.com/Horror-Rock-Roll-Stories-ebook/dp/B004ISLQV2



It's not actually a 10 year old....


He's 10 and a half!!


The best part was when Don Ready first meets him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you retarded or are you drunk?"


Are you kidding me? when i was 10 i would have LOVED to have sex with an older woman. People are so overprotective these days. If it was a little girl i would understand, but boys don't give a *beep* Not saying im into kids, but if I was the kid i would say "hell yeah"
