
Does anyone else think that this girl comes off as a bit of a narcsissist? I understand that she is the backbone of the film, but her name and face are being splashed on EVERYTHING promoting this movie, to the point of being downright obnoxious. Just look at the name of her production company for God's sake! I admit that it's possible that she is just the pawn of a studio trying to drill her name into everyone's heads (i.e. Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana) and convince people that she is the next Orson Welles (sans penis and alcohol addiction of course). I think it's awesome that a sixteen year old was able to write, direct and star in a feature film, really I do, but that is definitely not a stamp of quality. Based on the trailer, I'm not holding my breath. It looks and sounds like the work of your marginally talented, insecure, teenage girl, who just happens to have some talented people patronizing her and holding her hand throughout the process.


right on man, right on.


I think I read that her parents were in the biz in what does that tell ya? She does overpromote, I agree. I think she should have focused on at least mentioning some new young talent in the film.


Anne-Sophie is the least ego-centered person you'll ever imagine. On the contrary, she is giving chances in her movies to special ed students and others who would not otherwise ever get a chance in the movie industry. Whatever media campaign has swirled around her is not of her own doing. She's on a mission to help other teens make it in this business and hopes to have a positive influence that everything is possible if you work hard, have guts, stay focused and have a little luck come your way.


Of course you would say that. You've been promoting her. I saw ur comments on Anne sophie's IMDB page where you listed her awards and told ppl where to find her movies.


She is a total narcissist. A spoiled little brat who's parents saw her as their chance at fame. So they ponied up the cash for their Precious to make what is esentially a movie version of the worst Mary Sue fanfiction ever written.

She has NO talent. Yeah, she's young, she has ambition, she wants to be a big filmmaker someday. But without talent, she will never make it. In fact I would say that this is her last film. Nobody will back her after this disaster.

All the folks giving her glowing reviews are either extremely young themselves, personal friends and family of Anne-Sophie, or just blown away by the fact that she's 16.

My neighbor is 16. He could make a film. And it would be crap, because he knows nothing about filmmaking. Being young doesn't count for anything if your finished product is crap.


LMAo thats funny cloverfieldgirl. And well maybe she is half and half. There are some film makers who make decent movies without any training BUT!!!! That being said it is rare these days and well there is some knowledge that must be had to do a film! And well for me personally I am happy but then annoyed by her at the same time. Cloverfieldgirl may have a point she has those high HIGH connections.


Hmm...based on the trailer it seems as though she's not a very good actress. Maybe stick to writing or directing?

Spotted tights and stripy gloves, silly hats and lots of love...


Maybe stick to working in a burger joint for the rest of her life.


Personally as a student film maker myself I would have liked it better if her crew were teens that want to work in the industry!


I just rented the DVD, a two-disk set of all things. I agree with the OP. The DVD is loaded with self-indulgence. Overlong 'interviews' with Anne-Sophie, crew and actors telling us how great Anne-Sophie is, a mass of uninteresting deleted scenes, Anne-Sophie's two short films, etc., etc. The second disk 'extras' is about twice as long as the film itself.

I guess you can mark it down to this young woman's age. And the film? Well, to be charitable, it was a 'curiosity,' and I think she handled it well for a 16-year-old. It was a pretty bad film, with wooden acting (except for Anne-Sophie, who's pretty good), but it reminded me of a feature length student film (and not a very interesting one).


Way too harsh C Lover field girl. You wouldn't be a tad jealous, would you? Although her acting needed some maturing, it was still good. I think her film production skills are impressive. Success in film production takes not only talent, but also ambition, hard work and money. She seems to have all of the requirements. Now, she just needs experience. After the few short films and that full featured one, she is well on her way. We'll see something big from her in the future, I'm sure.

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