Detective Watts

I found Concocting a Killer to be the absolute worst episode so far. Not only was it a week story (plot wise) but Detective Watts was so ANNOYING, rude, and overbearing that I almost turned the show off. Finally, I started fast forwarding through all his scenes. He ruined this episode for me. I don't get why the writers feel they have to create a character that is this irritating. Is it to try and cover the fact that they have run out of ideas?


This episode and The Devil Inside have been my favourite episodes so far this season. And spoilers, we'll more of him this season.


Detective Watts is like an Edwardian Columbo (Peter Falk). He seems to be very observant and internalizes many of the details turns these over in his mind and comes out with credible theories. His method is very unlike Murdoch who is very meticulous and scientific. However he to is aware of modern technological methods of forensic science.


I was going to ask if the Det. Watts character was an homage to the Det. Columbo character or perhaps some other detective with whom I was not familiar. So at least one other person, thought as I did. Thanks for posting.


any chance CBC might be considering a Spin off for him

Murdoch is in a rarely seen 10th season (how many other Canadian Original Dramas can claim that?)

'The difficult detective' is something of a subgenre, and the period setting would be an interesting angle ... and Jackson as his muscle/straight man would be the perfect sidekick


I don't like the character much, either, but he didn't seem all that rude to me. Murdoch isn't friendly, but he's polite. But facts matter to him more than people. Watts takes this even further. He's not a team player, he only focuses on his own work and is extremely absent-minded, so the fact that he comes across as overbearing or annoying is a result of that. He's not intentionally rude or a bully, quite the opposite - he seems quite perceptive and sensitive and gives off that "live and let live" vibe. He's a philosopher.

I personally am glad that he showed up - Yannick wouldn't say as much but there were hints that he was quite exhausted. Now he's enjoying having some of the spotlight off him and some of the workload off his shoulders.


With Thomas Craig apparently away for a good part of the season, it might not be bad to add a new character, with an arc of his own, although there are more than enough secondary characters to develop should Yannick Bisson need less screen time.

