dinosaurs in cg ?

What tecnic will be used for dinosaurs and ark ? cg or puppets ?


What part of Noah's Ark has dinosaurs?


I didn't realize human's and Dino's co-existed..wow. You learn something new everyday.

"This town needs an enema!"-The Joker


Check out myspace page and read about my beliefs on why dinosaurs and humans coexisted.......http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=58230740


LMAO man.




oh that is amazing. that is hilarious. justifying dinosaurs on the ark??!! brilliant.

ohhhhhh wipe my eyes.

i love that hes even got the measurements for the door of the ark on the website.

now.. i havent read the bible, but i cant remember any passage they read to me at school that said:

'And lo, did god say unto noah, 'Grab that coping saw mate, youll need to trim that plywood to round about 100 metres by 45... you know... so we can get all them dinosaurs in".

and of course, i never knew that the reason why many carniverous animals were let onto the ark was because 'they hadnt started to eat meat yet.'

yay knowledge!!!



"Creation Science." haha, good one.


Why couldn't the Big Bang have been an act of God? Why couldn't evolution have been set in place by God? What makes you think your perception of God is even accurate? Do you perceive God to be the "man in the clouds" (how can God have a gender when he has no physical form, genitalia?) that acts as a puppet master to us Earthlings, or that it may be a creative force that is not disconnected from us, demands no worship, is a part of all of us and everything in existence creating a unified harmony?

If you don't believe in evolution, how you can explain the means by which bacteria and viruses change when conditions threaten their ability to survive (i.e. through drugs)? Why can the evolution of microscopic organisms that can be observed in relatively short periods of time not be applied to larger organisms over a longer period of time?

"God is the accumulation of all energy in the universe and passes no judgment over its creation."


I have good reason to believe in creation and the Bible over evolution theory. Instead of explaining it on here, I'll just copy and pase the link to my profile on myspace. Please feel free to comment on here, or on myspace, if you have an account. Thanks!



this board has really made my day. i was looking at keatons new films came across noahs ark and the sci-fi key word! so whats this about then, then the topic of dinos and finally chocologics post.
first off, coelacanth a fish that has remaind the the same since the cretaceous, this because its mode of life was perfectly suited to it's environment, like the nautilus it's unique way of life allowed it to survive pretty much unchanged whilst other animals went extinct. coelacanth and the nautilus are just two out of many creatures that have remained unchaged. on the opposite side animals that show evolutionary change are quite common in the fossil record. horses and elephants can be traced back in various forms for over 40 million years- yes step by step so called missing links.
the idea of dinosaurs and man together is quashed by the fossil record- all these fossils are at least 65 million years older than any from sophiaticated humans.
going back to animals that were thought to be extinct, there are no confirmed sightings of pterosaurs alive today. only unconfirmed ones from the 1800's.
as for the big bang and the evolution 'monkey' theory [by the way we come fom apes not monkeys. there is a differance], well there is plenty of evidence for evolution if you look on real web-sites, just one last thing tho, if we are created by a god and we are completly different from all other [or should that just be THE] animals, why do human embyos have gills and tails when they begin to develope and how come they are identical to almost every other animal embyo?


Dinosaur wasn’t a word until 1841. Before that time, they were known as dragons. There are thousands of dragon stories throughout history. Encyclopedias in the 1500’s describe dragons as rare living animals. There are many ancient drawings and artifacts of dinosaurs found all over the world. In 1496 the Bishop of Carlisle, Richard Bell, was buried in Carlisle Cathedral in the U.K. His tomb is inlaid with brass, with 2 long necked dinosaurs engraved upon it. The Vikings in 1000 A.D. carved dragons as their figure heads on the front of their ships. In Cambodia, a Buddhist temple called Ta Prohm was constructed in 1186 and contains a carving of a stegosaurus dinosaur. In 1571, Spanish adventurers found over 1100 Ceremonial Burial Stones in tombs in Peru. Hundreds of these stones have realistic and accurate depiction of dinosaurs. The city of Nerluc, France was renamed to Tarasque in honor of the dragon killed there. In 300 B.C, Alexander the Great reported that his soldiers were scared by dragons when they conquered part of India. Marco Polo, who lived in China for 17 years, reported in 1271 A.D. that the emperor raised dragons to pull his chariots in parades. How would people in ancient times know about dinosaurs if they never lived together?

Also, 75% of the world is made up of sedimentary rock which is only formed in moving water. Most all fossils (dinosaurs included) are found in sedimentary rock. In order for something to fossilize, it has to be burried rapidly in mud. The fact that there are so many fossils worldwide proves dinosaurs and humans coexisted with each other. Plus the fact that so many people knew about them throughout history, with no way of contacting each other proves they witnessed dinosaurs in order to know what they looked like. So most people are lost when it comes to the existence of dinosaurs. You seriously need to do your research if you believe dinosaurs and humans have not coexisted. Plus, the big dinosaurs are big, and the little dinosaurs are little. Noah didn't have to bring to adult dinosaurs on the ark, he could have brought two babies. It's TWO OF EACH KIND of animal, not every single variety. The ark was plenty big enough to bring aboard dinosaurs!


You're an idiot. The ark story is utter bullsh*t, and to take it literally would be missing the point of the story.


Isn't it amazing that "evolutionism" (whatever that means... Never heard of that term before) is being placed on the same step as anti-semitism? You should be ashamed of yourself for being so mean-spirited.

As for sightings of Pterodactyls... Get serious! And please refrain from presenting religious ideologies as "scientific theories". This doesn't even need a discussion.

Impossible some people are...


Fighting with Christians is like trying to scream in outer space...in other words, its impossible due to the huge VOID that would consume your every effort at getting any results...

On a side note (just to clear up where i stand) i'd like to say that i think outer space is awesome and Christians are the pinnacle of retardation...

Naked is the new black.



Chocologic, lemme get this straight. You DON'T believe in dinosaurs? DINOSAURS?! Oh COME ON. Out of all the idiots in the world the biggest ones are the people who don't believe in dinosaurs and say things like "evolution is false b/c the Bible says otherwise, that and I don't understand it, so therefore it MUST be false" and "dinosaurs aren't real b/c they would've boarded the ark." It's time to let go of this fairy tale bullsh*t and come into the real world. Ah yes, the real world. A place where magic and fairy tale bullsh*t (like the stories in the Bible) aren't real. What if the Bible said that Yahweh was pushing you down on the Earth? That would mean that GRAVITY is crap b/c the Bible says so.

Tell me, chocologic. What is it that makes dinosaurs and evolution false? It shouldn't be too hard for you, well there is the overwhelming evidence to back them up, but that's all crap when you have FAITH.


Pooptart19...that was SO well said! I agree entirely...

We cant stop here!http://tinyurl.com/2zwv8k


chocologic... I have never heard anything that stupid. You've been brainwashed by fairytales.



There is plenty of scientific evidence that man and dinosaurs existed at the same time. We have found cave paintings in Europe & cliff paintings in the American west of dinosaurs & pterodactyls. The Indians and many stories, they insisted were true, of giant “thunder birds”. I have held figurines from Peru and have seen clay pots with carvings of men with dinos. They were riding them, fighting them & being eaten by them. Some depicting the texture of the skin. Most of our dragon myths are probably about dinosaurs. Marco Polo came back from China and said that the Emperor had dragons pulling his chariot in parades. Perhaps a smaller dino that had not yet become extinct. There is a church in England that has a mosaic of a dino in the floor. All of these were done before modern man “discovered” dinosaurs. Recently they found some fossilized dino skin that matched the clay carvings from Peru.

Do not deny the facts because you buy into unproven theories of the age of the Earth or the origins of species. These facts do not fit what we are told about man and dinos not living together. If the fact do not support the theory you need a new theory. Untill someone has a better theory that can be proven, I will choose to go with the Bible. The facts fit better.

By the way I think Noah would have been smart enough to bring baby dinos, or at least very young ones on the ark.



Just some quick points

- the exact meaurements for the Ark ARE given in the Bible

- yes dinosaurs were real

- why do people get so violently upset with Christians yet are afraid to say boo to Jewish or Muslim people
[ btw the three faiths share their origins ]

- also why are people who don't believe hanging around the page of a religion based movie, there is a lot to do on the internet

- if evolution is true why are there giraffes? check it out

got to go now. there is a movie on the sci-fi channel about killer snails - ten kinds of awesome I'm sure


You know asking a question like 'if evolution is true why are there giraffes?' is akin to saying 'if gravity is true why are there birds?'.

but since you obviously have a very very very deep understanding of evolutionary science, why don't YOU answer this question instead:

-if God exists why the *beep* are there giraffes?



when was the bible written?


Makes sense to me! If dinosaurs existed, and if God created all animals on days five and six, then obviously (if you're a Christian, at least) dinosaurs lived with man. It would make sense to show the dinosaurs in CGI. Also, no one says they had to be big, adult dinos. Young "teenage" or baby dinosaurs could also fit easily on the ark. I'm with chocologic and the OP on this one. Please don't harass me.


"and of course, i never knew that the reason why many carniverous animals were let onto the ark was because 'they hadnt started to eat meat yet."

Of course that simply means you would need even more plants to feed them. Oh, where exactly did they keep enough food and grain for millions of species of animals, insects, arachnids and birds, all of which would have unique dietary needs? Where were the millions of unique kinds of flora and fauna kept? Considering the entire earth would be flooded, unless Noah brought them along for the ride, the earth would be a barren wasteland after the flood.

Assuming rainwater covered the entire earth, in excess of 3500ft above sea level,(the altitude of the "ark" people believe they see on mt. Arrarrat), the oceans would desalinate, so where were the salt water aquariums? How was the immense amount of excrement produced by these animals disposed of if there was only one window? Disposing of feces would be a full time job for the few humans on board.

This myth is totally busted. The only way this ever happened is if it was a localised flood, like the ones described in Sumerian and Babylonian texts that predate Judiasm by a couple thousand years. And, no: there weren't any dinosaurs in those accounts. The writers of the torah borrowed the flood myth and pumped it up to staggering heights.


Ahhh, dude you made me laugh so hard..... hahahaha.... see I can't stop-- stop it! hahahahahahaha you're killing me!


Last I heard, this was STILL a FREE country, which INCLUDES freedom of speech and freedom of THOUGHT. If chocologic wants to believe in dinosaurs on the ark (no matter how illogical that is) it is his right. What are you all, the Taliban?? You get to dictate what he believes because it doesn't conform to what you believe? There's proof of natural selection, yes, but don't you think it's a little arrogant to think you know exactly how everything in 4.5 billion years happened by relying on a few species' fossils from here and there? To compare 4.5 billion years worth of growth to a couple eons of known history and then say you know how all 4.5 billion years unfolded is pompous in the extreme.

People say Christians are fanatical, but their fanatacism doesn't hold a candle to the "evolutionists'".


damn straight dude!

well, i live in uk, we still have freedoms though...

loved your last point, i hear everything evolutionists say, and i agree, there is alot of evidence, a huge amount of evidence to support evolution...i dont condemn anyone for believing it...

what i *do* condemn is when someone puts across their own belief, then documented accounts to support said belief, and all the other side does is laugh, not listen, not hear that there is plenty of evidence to support a young earth, plenty of evidence to support men and dinos co-existing, but all alot of evolutionists do is accept what secular science tells them, and dont even bother to question or research what is being said!

i believe in the account of a worldwide flood, i also believe in alot of crazy ideas supported by the bible (and if all the history of the bible is taken, not just drips and drabs) it makes sense, there is yet to be an archealogical discovery to disprove the biblical history of the world (if you ask evolutionists how they know the age of fossils and rocks, quickly a never-ending circle ensues - age of rocks from the fossils contained, the age of fossils determined by the age of the rock they are in, etc etc)

please, fundamentalist evolutionists, understand that im not saying you are wrong. i am just saying, to me, personally, through my own research, the biblical account of creation is more believable!

http://www.answersingenesis.org - it may be be preachy, but see past that to hear what they have to say!!

immaturity and your life is alot like wine, the older it gets, the more it costs you


Dinosaurs didn't co-exist with humans. That is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I can understand trying to explain some of this old story, but even that's too stupid. They would've eaten us you know.

They died out millions of years before humans arrived. I believe God caused evolution. There's nothing wrong with being a hairless ape. It's much better than being the incest freak babies of Adam and Eve's children. Adam and Eve didn't exist either.

Noah's Ark didn't happen. That's the answer. And if it did, it certainly wasn't the same as the Bible says. For all we know a river could've flooded and Noah's family in a boat no bigger than a cabin, saving maybe a sheep is what the story is really based on. Maybe they thought the world was flooding, people were stupid back then. Like when the common cold meant you were being possessed by demons.

People didn't know about dinosaurs when the story was written. That's why they're never mentioned in the Bible or in films based on Bible stories. And it's certainly why Joseph and the Virgin Mary didn't ride around on a raptor before giving birth to Christ.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


Actually mankind knew about dinosaurs in biblical times, and even long before that. The Greeks and Romans found dinosaur fossils and built shrines as places of worship for them. There are references to "dragon" bones found in Wucheng, Sichuan, China (written by Chang Qu) over 2,000 years ago.

The problem was there were so many different species of dinosaurs, meaning bones and fossils of all shapes and sizes, the people that found them assigned different creatures to a particular bone or skeleton fragment...leading to many different myths of fantastic creatures. So not only are dragons attributed to early man finding dinosaur bones, but also Ogres, Griffins, Giants, Sea serpents, and so on.

So paintings on caves and pottery with humans and dinosaurs sharing the same scene DOES NOT conclude that they shared the same time and space. If future archeologists found this picture:


Could they conclude humans of this era saddled and rode bears into war? Of course not, that's absurd. It just shows the extensive imagination and creativity of humans, even back then. The bible, like all the other monster myths, only exist in people's minds.

One final note...If you read this next paragraph, and it doesn't strike you as the funniest thing you've ever read...you need to calm down, step back, and really look at what you're believing in so head-long and foolhardy.

"According to Dr. Booble and the Discovery Institute, dinosaurs were expelled from the Garden of Eden for excessive flatulence and "unruly behavior" at about the same time that Adam and Eve were forced to leave as a penalty for a serpent-related "apple conspiracy"

...Are you serious? God kicked dinosaurs out of paradise for farting and horseplay? (dinoplay I guess)

This quote also is laughable as well:

"Furthermore, we know Velociraptor was a vegetarian, as can be clearly deduced from its long rows of razor-sharp teeth, perfectly designed for tearing leaves from trees or rooting for truffles and other buried delicacies, and could therefore be domesticated at very low risk."

Two things...First, just by looking at dental records of any herbivore's from any era, we can clearly see their teeth are not razor sharp, but round, flat, and only used for breaking down plant materials. Teeth that are razor sharp are sharp for a reason, to slice and tear into meat. Period.

Second, We can tell an animal's diet by their excrement. That is, their poop. This is something that is still done today, and is applied to dietary study of early man as well.

So not only do we know raptors were meat eaters, but we also know that mankind has been eating meat for millions of years...Long before the bible came around.

/end of thread.


Dinosaurs DID live at the same time as humans.
Haven't any of you ever watched the Flintstones..?
It's a reality show, NOT A CARTOON!!!

One of the Dinosaurs even got a job as Noah's first mate.
they called him Hermunt the teradactyl...
He enjoyed making waffles...

But all was not bliss on board the dino-ark.

when the sea-level was at it's highest, one of the long neck dino's stuck his head over the clouds, and ate God's cookies...


(One would think that drowning the world would be enough aggression-therapy, but no...)

So the Lord took out his Ninja-sword of kick-ass, and killed all the dinosaurs...

the (tragic) end...


wow. i am not religious at all i canot prove god doesn't exist but i cant prove he does. so there not point in beleaving ether. but you can have god and evolution. god desighnd the whole evolutionary plan and created apes and thing to evolve. i also highly doubt who ever wrote the bible that it was meant to be taken literally i think it was more of a fiction book based around real events to teach people morals or for a way for the church to control the people. but if god did exist hes long dead or just doesn't care anymore. if he does than hes one *beep* up bastard.


How did god die?

God had ball cancer, didn't he?

Why! Oh why, god! Why couldn't you get your annual doctor checkup to catch it in time?!

The world has lost a great deity.

Oh well, not like it's suffering from a lack of god's to worship...


(for end of board)

Gods time is different then ours. So 7 days doesn't mean 7 days (we are limited, he is infinite). Dinosaurs did exist, but I don't know when. But before Adam and Eve, who did exist. I do believe evolution type stuff exists, I don't believe descended from apes (but I am limited so how do I know what God make this all happen, I don't so I'm not stubborn). I think God made us just not from apes. I believe there is tons of room to move on much of the theories of man as we can't understand fully a world created by a God. But it was created by a God. I personally think it makes much more sense that there is an organizer of matter and a reason for us existing rather then it all being random or how astronomical is the chance that this all happened and we developed and can create what we create, by chance? I have come to accept I will not understand all that I wish I could because I am not capable, in my current state, to understand a fraction of what a God with an infinite intelligence can. He knows all, understands all. I can't so I have accepted this. I can know what I can know so that is what I try to learn.
