HBO Special 8/26/2007

so what did everybody think about this? Lets hear your thoughts


"My dog licked my balls."

I really liked it. It made me laugh at loud a lot. I loved the massive amount of profanity.

My dog licked my balls..."

"Uh, the world is your oyster. I mean because that's all the world is."


does anybody know the lyrics to that song?
i thought it was hysterical.


I thought it was hilarious. I'd never seen that ADD style of delivery before. I can understand why a lot of people don't like or understand his sense of humor, it's pretty twisted, but I loved it. He goes off on so many tangents that go totally out there, and you can tell he knows it because in the middle of it he'll go "what?" and then just keep on going. I'd love to see him live, he improvises his best stuff.
Except the squirrel joke, no improv there. "She was like a squirrel which was great, cause she would store my nuts in her mouth for the winter"


I wrote a review on the special on I really liked it. Despite the going off on tangents, which probably led to bad reviews, he had some pretty funny jokes. I really loved all 3 songs that he sung and performed. Not sure why people who reviewed it on Amazon said, oh I hate this special but I only watched it for like 10, 20 minutes. Don't review it then! Just watch the whole thing, and if you don't like it, then that's fair.

I didn't really care that he used so much dirty language. The humor certainly doesn't appeal to everyone, but it appealed to me. Just watch South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut and see how much cuss words are in that movie. I bet people who don't like this special, just love that movie.

To the original post, I liked it, and I liked it even more with the songs he sung!


I thought it was disgusting. I wish I hadn't watched it as now it is imprinted in my mind.. What a jerk. He should take a few lessons from Seinfeld. It doesn't take much thought to put on a show like that.


god what are the lyrics to the 2nd song????


The one about the farmer on the rock? it is!!

There was an old farmer who lived on a rock.
He sat in the meadow just shaking his...

Fist at some boys who were down by the crick.
Their feet in the water their hands on their...

Marbles and playthings and at half past four.
There came a young lady she looked like a...

Pretty young creature she sat on the grass.
She pulled up her dress and she showed them her...

Ruffles and laces and white fluffy duck.
She said she was learning a new way to...

Bring up her children so they would not spit.
While the boys in the barnyard were shovelling...

Refuse and litter from yesterday's hunt.
While the girl in the meadow was rubbing her...

Eyes at the fellow down by the dock
He looked like a man with a sizeable...

Home in the country with a big fence out front
If he asked her politely she'd show him her...

Little pet dog who was subject to fits
And maybe she'd let him grab hold of her...

Small tender hands with a movement so quick
And then she'd bend over and suck on his...

Candy so tasty made of butterscotch
And then he'd spread whipped cream all over her...

Cookies that she had left out on her shelf
If you think this is dirty you can go **** yourself!

You can hear a guy sing it on this website:

Just because you're hung like a moose doesn't mean you have to be a porn star


it was awesome! i loved it, a couple of the jokes flopped but hey thats bound to happen with any standup. The tangents were saved by his tourettes like insertions. It was like laughing my ass off in a 'wtf' way. unless he does actually have tourettes then i'd feel bad for laughing at someones disability.


poor, poor jared... LMAO


I was prepared for this after seeing "The Aristocrats". for those of you who got/liked this, for sure check out that doc. Saget is one funny, twisted guy. and you can sure see how "Full House" fans would be freaked! :-)
