Scientist admits....

Marcelo Gleiser - theoretical physicist, Dartmouth College:

Do some scientists hold on to a belief longer than they should? Or, more provocatively phrased, when does a scientific belief become an article of faith?

To talk about faith in the context of science seems quite blasphemous. Isn't science the antithesis of faith, given that it is supposedly based on certainties, on the explicit verification of hypotheses? This vision of science as being perfectly logical and rational is an idealization. Of course, the product of scientific research must be something concrete: Hypotheses must be either confirmed or refuted, and data from experiments should be repeatable by others. Penicillin does cure diseases, airplanes fly and Halley's comet does come back every 76 years.

Things become more tentative at the cutting edge, where there are no certainties. What makes science so fascinating is that it aims at perfection even if it is the invention of fallible beings.

(He gives supersymmetry as an illustration.)

While some will abandon the theory for lack of experimental support, others will hold on to it, readjusting the parameters so that supersymmetry becomes viable at energies well beyond our reach. The theory will then be untestable for the foreseeable future, maybe indefinitely. Belief in supersymmetry will then be an article of faith.

How should we deal with this kind of situation in science? Clearly, scientists will do what they want (as long as they have funding for it); those who cling to supersymmetry will argue that it will drive them toward other hypotheses and that's OK. Maybe something will come up that will be testable. Others will search for explanations elsewhere.

The challenge, of course, is that we don't know the right answer. The worry is that we may never know it, in which case the program is scientifically useless. When you invest decades of your professional life in the pursuit of an idea, it's real hard to let go. Some never do.

Full article here:

This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.



"article of faith" retard heehee

learn how to read heehee


hey inmyshoe...long time no see 

This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

reply's because they're not even trying anymore heehee

A great thing about bigots is they ALWAYS surrender!!!! heehee

They either surrender to their chosen "superiors" and quit thinking and just parrot what "they" say, or they simply spam what little they claim over and over.... pretending anyone who points out their shallowness must simply be unaware of their (or whom they consider "superiors" heehee) dictates heehee

....unless their "experts" disagree with them, of course heehee

It was fun and informative when there were a few ideas I wasn't fully aware of, but now....... sigh.... heehee

I wish they would at least try and describe what belief WITH "evidence" is called.... because it certainly isn't scientific! HAW!!!!!!!

Everyone that believed the "evidence" for pluto or the brontosaurus, for examples, stood in the way of not only scientific discovery, but even discovery itself as well!!! HAW!!!!

Of course there's nothing but evidence for God if God made everything, because then everything would LITERALLY be evidence of God's creation, and even science itself admits it can't discount that!!!

There's NO EVIDENCE for ANYTHING until that evidence is discovered heehee

And there will never be ANY discovery if you simply instead decide to trust science heehee

When science dictated there's no other objects in pluto's path, anyone believing science's dictate would never bother looking to see if that's true or not, and instead keep telling their children they're wrong if they suggest there might be heehee

Science, unfortunately, really isn't an exact science heehee

It can ONLY work if you don't believe it heehee

They claim science is the ONLY way when not even really understanding it.......

reply's because they're not even trying anymore heehee

A great thing about bigots is they ALWAYS surrender!!!! heehee

They either surrender to their chosen "superiors" and quit thinking and just parrot what "they" say, or they simply spam what little they claim over and over.... pretending anyone who points out their shallowness must simply be unaware of their (or whom they consider "superiors" heehee) dictates heehee

....unless their "experts" disagree with them, of course heehee

It was fun and informative when there were a few ideas I wasn't fully aware of, but now....... sigh.... heehee

I wish they would at least try and describe what belief WITH "evidence" is called.... because it certainly isn't scientific! HAW!!!!!!!

Everyone that believed the "evidence" for pluto or the brontosaurus, for examples, stood in the way of not only scientific discovery, but even discovery itself as well!!! HAW!!!!

Of course there's nothing but evidence for God if God made everything, because then everything would LITERALLY be evidence of God's creation, and even science itself admits it can't discount that!!!

There's NO EVIDENCE for ANYTHING until that evidence is discovered heehee

And there will never be ANY discovery if you simply instead decide to trust science heehee

When science dictated there's no other objects in pluto's path, anyone believing science's dictate would never bother looking to see if that's true or not, and instead keep telling their children they're wrong if they suggest there might be heehee

Science, unfortunately, really isn't an exact science heehee

It can ONLY work if you don't believe it heehee

They claim science is the ONLY way when not even really understanding it.......

I love that, especially THIS line: Science, unfortunately, really isn't an exact science heehee That's so true my friend, yet so many don't even realize it.

Take care

This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.


I love that, especially THIS line: Science, unfortunately, really isn't an exact science heehee That's so true my friend, yet so many don't even realize it.

And your god isn't real - you'd be able to produce evidence if he did. So come on, let's see you exact religious evidence...come on you claim to have the details so let's eee your actual; evidence.

You have been called out on this before and every single time you have had your arguments destroyed.

Proof of this will be you ignoring this post like the lying coward you are.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Goethe


I'll try again and put it REALLY simply heehee.....

Science can't determine with ANY certainty that there is no God.....

If there IS a God that created everything, then EVERYTHING IS evidence of this God, and your system simply can't recognize everything as evidence heehee

Just as a primitive tribes person can't recognize that an airplane was created, and is not just simply a giant bird, there's no way for science to possibly conclude the ultimate origins of everything heehee

If 3D printers ever get sophisticated enough to eventually create other 3D printers that can then print out still other 3D printers, where will that leave the self replicating theorists!?!??! heehee

I'll ask this again as well.....

What scientific process could ever possibly demonstrate there can't be anything of value beyond the scientific process?!?!?!?! heehee

When bigots claim stuff like "There's no evidence for...." they're usually just simply too cowardly to admit that they're only claiming there might not be any currently recognized evidence in accordance to their system heehee

And then often there's even evidence in accordance to members of their system, just not members they believe in heehee

Science only works when not trusted heehee

Science can ONLY suggest a current guess and that's all heehee

There's a reality beyond your system bigots heehee

Your system wouldn't exist without the reality it's seeking to discover heehee

Your system's guesses will come and go, but the reality will always be the reality heehee

If you mindlessly trust your system, you're refusing the very system you desperately spam as supreme heehee


Thanks for giving up bigots heehee

Your notions of superiority are so hilarious that even your surrenders are funny heehee


Your constant "heehee" and "HAW HAW"s make you come off as either a troll (which studies have shown to have lower IQs & personality disorders) or some sort of mental disorder.
If it's the latter, I am sorry.
If it's the former, you need to grow up.

You show a profound ignorance of the way science works (in that you obviously don't understand - or even know about - peer review, hypothesizing, how things become scientific theory, or the scientific process in general).
It's not a "belief" to trust scientific findings, anymore than it's a "belief" to trust that physics will continue to function as they did yesterday, or that the sun will come up tomorrow.

Most "evidence" (as you put it) presented against known scientific findings are almost always debunked, disproven, or proven to be frauds.
And no, science can't prove God doesn't exist. It also can't prove the non-existence of unicorns, leprechauns, or fairies. One cannot prove a negative; one can only disprove a positive. But, if something cannot be experienced through material senses & does not interact with reality, it might as well be assumed to not exist (which goes for your - and any other - God, as well as mine).

Add "the definition of 'bigot'" to the list of things you don't understand, right underneath "how science works" and "what science is."


Actually, it's funny how many instances the "...and the sun will rise..." example is invoked heehee

In fact, the sun is always ONE DAY CLOSER to when it will never "rise" again heehee

I mean, forget the reality of the sun isn't actually "rising" many patterns are LESS LIKELY to continue the more they have continued heehee

If you flip a coin, for example, and it came up one side many times in a row, it's LESS LIKELY to continue to do so heehee

And it's easy to prove a negative heehee

Ignoring, as you've demonstrated to do so often, facts like you can easily "prove" there's no elephants in your hand, for instance, by looking at your hand and noticing an absence of elephants heehee

Also, you ignorant bigot, the very claim that you can't prove a negative IS ITSELF a negative heehee

So.... are you pretending some scientist didn't notice an object and it was voted a planet by a bunch of elitist bigots assuming voting on a claim should go directly into children's books and those children should be told they're wrong if this newly voted planet isn't included in their list of planets!?!?!??! heehee

And speaking of planets.... are you aware the very label of "planets" suggested a negative!??!!??! HAW HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!!!

"Planet", after the 11 planet model was abandoned, meant it was an object with it's OWN orbit, suggesting THERE WEREN'T ANY OTHER OBJECTS IN SHARING IT'S ORBIT!!!!!! HAW HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!!!

The label "planet" suggested the negative of NO OTHER OBJECTS IN IT'S ORBIT!!!!!

Those objects existed even though science suggested there weren't any there heehee

God could exist even if science NEVER figures out any way to even test it, let alone the fact that science only functions if the claims, such as "there's no other objects in pluto's orbit" are ignored heehee

If you believed in science's claims of the absence of objects, why would you ever bother checking?!?!?!!? heehee

So yea..... anyone believing science stands in it's way of actual discovery heehee

Bigotty bigotyy bigot face heehee


hey inmyshoe...long time no see

Because he's busy using his other account "Kandan_Shkumar"

This is a tired act, from a tired troll.

Evolution: Those too dumb to survive on their own should be allowed to die


Me and this kandan KNOW otherwise heehee

You ONLY hope heehee

And again, I ask.... What difference would it possibly make?!?!!? heehee

I assert the obvious dynamic of science which is that it only works if and when it's NOT mindlessly trusted heehee

ONLY a bigot would care AT ALL who's who heehee

Thanks coward, you're surrender remains hilarious heehee (Approaching tiresome in it's shallow spamming.... but still kinda funny heehee)



uh..... "religion" ONLY "works" WHEN trusted moron heehee

Close.... but COMPLETELY opposite dummy heehee

Are you REALLY claiming that if we continued to mindlessly trust scientific claims, such as "the object designated pluto has it's own path" or "the key to health is a balance of humors" wouldn't have impeded actual discovery if trusted?!?!?!

WHAT THE WHAT?!?!?!!?!? heehee

Discoveries are made when simply decisions are ignored heehee

Scientists got together and just simply DECIDED that their evidence suggested a new planet, or a new dinosaur they called the brontosaurus and ONLY those who didn't mindlessly trust that claim DISCOVERED OTHERWISE!!!!!!! heehee

Reality is reality DESPITE any current claim otherwise heehee

Pluto NEVER had it's own path heehee

EVEN when science didn't yet notice the other belt objects heehee

Those objects existed, but why even check if science said they didn't!??!?! heehee

Only those that kept looking found the truth!!!!! heehee

Science claimed "Don't bother, there's nothing there...." and ONLY those who checked helped aid in an actual scientific discovery heehee



I don't like ANY "religion" dummy heehee

I'm way too concerned with the pursuit of truth to get wrapped up in some bigot contrivance heehee

I don't trust PEOPLE, including MYSELF heehee

I'm not a bigot, I realize the faulty nature of ALL humanity heehee

I point out repeatedly that science MUST be questioned for it to function dummy heehee

I repeatedly point out that those who trust it CAN'T question it heehee

Weirdest desperate strawman attempt yet dummmy heehee



Which "religion" exactly coward?!?!!? HAW!!!!

And what would me liking any have anything to do with anything bigot?!?!!??! HAW!!!!!

If there is a God or not, anyone or any system claiming one or there not being any has nothing to do with God existing or not eehee

Retard heehee

Who cares if I or anyone thinks they "know" ANYTHING?!?!?!!? HAW HAW HAW!!!!! Thanks.... you sure continue to amuse heehee

The truth will ALWAYS be the truth, found or not heehee

One way, especially if you're using scientific methods, of being sure to find ANY truth is definitely to keep looking heehee

ANYONE who trusted science's claims of humors, brontosauruses, planets, ect refused to verify those claims heehee

Too bad if you have such low self esteem you need big momma science to tell you what's what, but for those of us who actually respect the scientific process know full well what questioning it's claims aids in it's functioning process heehee

No one trusts science?!?!?! heehee

Now who's the liar?!?!?! heehee



"Jesus Christ" ISN'T a religion heehee

There's been MANY different kinds of Christianity based off his life, but as far as a "religion"....... bleh heehee

I kind of like the Juggalo movement, but that's almost more of a gang then a religion heehee

I loved the Church of the Subgenius, but that was more of a parody of religion itself, then a religion heehee There can be meaning in humor, but if you desperately insist that was a religion, that might be funny to see you defend that claim heehee

Most likely you'll wuss out again, you're a pretty boring coward heehee

So much so you feel the need to project your cowardice heehee

I'm not afraid to explain how I think I find knowledge, it's just that I really don't care what method I'm currently trying out heehee

As I've said, I'm not a bigot heehee

I don't assume or suggest validity just because it's what I'm currently considering heehee

I don't care how I think I "know" truth any more than I care the hows and whys anyone else things they "know" something heehee

Did you "know" there were other objects in pluto's orbit when you thought you "knew" what science claimed, that it found another planet!?!??!?!

DID YOU COWARD?!?!?!?! heehee run away crying again heehee

So you admit that you were fine with science lying to children just because you didn't know they were?!?!!? Or.....?!?!?!?! heehee

Did you trust science and what they suggested to schools?!?!?!?! heehee

President Garfield trusted current science and died horribly because science was slow to accept germs heehee

I pointed out that only those who DIDN'T trust science actually participated in science dummy heehee

Now you need to pretend I'm claiming science wasn't trusted when I told you that it only functioned BECAUSE it wasn't trusted heehee


The truth will always be the truth, known or not heehee



Heehee.... spam lying.... how very... you heehee

I don't care how I occasionally might psudo convince myself of an idea's validity any more than I'm overly concerned with how others might convince themselves of whatever heehee

If you simply mindlessly bow down to whatever science is currently claiming is no more of me then if I decide to buy a certain item simply because I think it's funny or whatever heehee

One day I'll explore this idea, and the next someone might offer a method I find intriguing..... so what!?!??!?! heehee

If you're asking how I might have recently explored ideas as compared to variations in the past.... okay bigot, have fun trying to twist them heehee.....

I LIKE conspiracy theories.... I LIKE THEM!!!!!

Much in the same way I like collecting dolls and eating sushi heehee

I don't "believe" them per se, and as I have frequently stated, I wouldn't suggest or assume valdity just because they might be idea's I "choose" heehee

For example, I know many J.F.K. loonies and it's no end of hilarious exploring their madness heehee

When asked what theory I like the best, I choose variations of some lone hick with a lucky pot shot and the government covering up an imagined conspiracy that never existed heehee

"But is that what you think really happened?" I've often been asked.....

I try and explain that's just the idea I think would be funniest, but then I'm asked if that's what I believe AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!! heehee

I don't care what I think any more than I care what ANYONE thinks dummy heehee

I'm too concerned IF there's a God than what ANYONE thinks regarding the idea heehee

If some dirty piece of crap hippy fashioned some "WARNING!!! Falling rocks" sign I'd be concerned IF there's really any danger of falling rocks.....

NOT if the hippy believes there are and not if I believe there's a danger....

There's either the danger or not, regardless of what ANYONE think's on the subject heehee

Some bigot constantly repeating the fact that the hippy isn't an accredited geologist just might not be helpful in determining a danger or not heehee

And an unknown truth, say like the ones that people who don't understand science, like you for example, tout, are not only of no help to anyone, they also STILL exist, and are still lost to those who refuse to emulate and participate in the very useful system they claim and superior heehee



MY POINT EXACTLY!!!!!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!! you are so retarded heehee

Science either only works when not trusted heehee

That's either true or not regardless what ANYONE says or believes!!!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!! idiot heehee

I told you I don't care what I think and when you pretended I was scared to share something I don't care about because it's meaningless, you come back with your agreement that it's meaningless!!!! HAW!!!!!

It's like that scene in Girl With the Dragon Tattoo where the boss guy asks if there's any other meaningful details about her story and she says "no" then he says something like "I'm the boss, let me be the judge of that!" and when she tells him the meaningless details, he says "You're right, that doesn't matter..." and she of course says "yea..... I know....."

HAW HAW HAW!!!!!! you're so stupid heehee

You continue to refuse acting in the dictates of the system you claim superior heehee


And an actual biologist that insists on bigoted ignorance of the stupid hippy's possible observation just might not be helpful ever anymore if he gets his head bashed in by a rock because he ignored the hippy's warning because the hippy wasn't a geologist heehee

If you haven't noticed, science FOLLOWS reality heehee

If there's some remote hiking trail, as of yet unobserved by an official accredited geologist, and there's a danger ignored because an official geologist has not yet been there, just some dumb dirty hippy and his mad rantings, his ignorance could lead to his downfall heehee

FURTHERMORE, even if there's some official declaration, something along the lines of science belief in humors (pluto's clear orbit, the brontosaurus, ect....) and a faulty declaration of safety is heeded, the geologist might go the way of President Garfield!!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!

And no, a bigoted geologist ignoring a rock danger and just spamming the hippy's observation WOULD NOT ONLY NOT HELP THE TAIL SITUATION, BUT IT WOULDN'T HELP SCIENCE'S FUNCTIONING PROCESS EITHER!!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!

Thanks dummy, you've done it again heehee



The strawman spam continues...... heehee (strawspam!??!!? heehee)

Why should anyone care who asks them anything?!?!?! heehee

Whut the what!??!?! I swear...... where do you get your fantasies!??!!? heehee

Bigots trust science and claim it not only superior, but supreme, not understanding it only functions when not believed spaz heehee

I already explained that, not being a bigot myself, I don't put my preferences above others either heehee

My guess doesn't necessarily automatically trump everyone else's bigot heehee

Everyone's guess is just simply that.... a guess heehee

The only thing supreme and unchanging is the truth.... reality doesn't change in accordance of ANY mere man made system unless you're suggesting some supreme being or group...... and suggesting a supreme group is about as bigoted as you can get heehee

Any bigot that admits their system can't determine if there's a God or not admits that their system can't really determine if there's evidence or not, because if there is a God and their system just isn't able to handle the evidence yet heehee

If there is a God that made everything, then EVERYTHING IS evidence genius heehee

Now you're starting with publication having some sort of meaning?!?!?!!? HAW!!!!!

It's weird I need to point this out to you.... but the Bible was published as well!!!! HAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

Propaganda is published, the koran, comic books, Barbies Magical adventures.....

Anyone claiming there's no evidence for God is merely suggesting that no scientific evidence means no evidence what so ever heehee

There WAS evidence for other objects in pluto's orbit before it was found heehee

The other objects existed before discovered and merely labeling them officially recognized SCIENTIFIC evidence didn't make them more real heehee

Your ignorance and/or unawareness doesn't change any reality you'd prefer non existent heehee

There's no scientific process that could ever demonstrate that there can't be anything beyond the scientific process heehee



Are you really going to resort to "Does your mom know you beat your wife?" tactics?!!?!??! HAW!!!!

Are you really getting that desperate!??!?!?! heehee

Science DOESN'T ask you to trust it, but bigots, like anyone that claims there isn't any evidence for God, MUST be trusting just the scientific process ONLY because there's TONS of what other systems call evidence for God, you moron heehee

And more importantly, if the is a God that made everything, then EVERYTHING IS evidence for God, and it's just the shortcomings of your system and it's inability to recognize evidence heehee


I sure don't.... so are you merely projecting or something?!?!?! heehee

I appreciate if you're really trying a different angle (your spam was getting very boring lately heehee) but your fantasies aren't even resembling any reality whatsoever lately heehee

If your claiming no evidence for God, you're suggesting that only science can find evidence heehee

There's PLENTY of systematic evidence for everything from gnomes to Elvis still being alive heehee

And there wasn't any, I might add, evidence for pluto's orbit mates before discovered heehee

They existed, but science just hadn't found them yet and anyone trusting science would never have bothered to look heehee

There was evidence for brontosauruses too, I might remind you heehee

A bigot parroting science and science only may very well trust it and it only, ignoring it's self imposed basic ignorance heehee

Science only works if not trusted, and science can't even suggest any proof beyond it's own self imposed limitations heehee

There's no way to scientifically demonstrate there's nothing of value beyond scientific demonstration heehee

Only those bigots who trust science and science only refuse to accept that heehee

So answer if YOU'RE NOT AFRAID..... Does your mom know you beat your wife?!?!?! heehee





ME?!?!?!!? HAW!!!!!

I sometimes wonder if you understand half of what you post heehee

I hope you're at least attempting something clever and aren't just stupid heehee

I HOPE heehee

I point out that science doesn't only suggest you don't believe it but even DEMANDS you can't, fot it to fuction.... and you contrive some nonsense about science asking heehee

Almost cute if intentional, sad if you mean it.....

What the test for finding if the truth beyond simplistic scientific testing?!?!!??! heehee

The idea that there can ONLY be things of value withing mere human testing abilities is an arrogant assumption made by bigots believing BY FAITH that there can ONLY be things testable heehee

Here's a test: live without God and see if you burn in hell for all eternity heehee

Hate to tell you, but if that's the case it might just be too late for your narrow minded system heehee

And there IS evidence for bigfoot, unicorns, Harry Potter, AND Thor!!!!! heehee

Just like there was for the planet pluto, the brontosaurus and humors!!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!

Man are you an idiot heehee

Science had evidence for what they now know is false dumdum and it's INSANE to assume there isn't existing things that science has not yet found evidence for heehee

"Proof" doesn't means it exists and not yet finding evidence doesn't mean it doesn't heehee

Thanks, your imbecility remains hilarious

IF you insist there isn't evidence because your chosen system hasn't found any yet, that means you're a bigot heehee

Other systems assert they have it and your placing yours in an assumption of supremacy heehee

I know better.... I don't bow to ANY mere man made system's bigotry heehee




What?!?!?!?! Your strawmen weren't empty ENOUGH?!?!?!?!?! HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!!

Wow..... thanks again!!!!!! SOOOOOOO funny!!!!!!

Who potentially reading isn't aware that the claim is: "When you die after a life without God, you'll suffer burn in hell for eternity...."

That's not only a common Christian claim, but a pretty common religious claim with many slight variations, but it's essentially the claim none the less heehee

"Exactly what you're doing..."?!?!?!?!?!?! REALLY?!?!!?!? HAW!!!!!!

YOU HAVEN'T DIED YET!!!!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!!! oh my..... just had to repeat that for hilarity's sake..... oh thanks again.....

That's not even my repeatedly stated person version either heehee

As I've explained repeatedly, I see it more as if a loving parent gifts you with a perfectly paradisiacal (sheesh imdb..... Merriam-Webster is aware heehee) wonder filled mansion and simply suggests, for your own personal health, keep metal things out of these little slits the lamps are plugged into because you might not only not enjoy the intial shock, but suffer permanent injury heehee

You are NOT YET DEAD MORON!!!!! HAW!!!!!!! sorry.... still can't get over your insanity yet heehee

And just to top it off..... I've never cared at all about belief heehee

Me and reality couldn't care less about ANYONE'S belief and have never made ANY indication whatsoever heehee

God ONLY has "no evidence" in an assumptive non scientific fantasy version of a bigots preferred delusional version of what they pretend science is heehee

In reality, science can only suggest it doesn't think valid enough scientific evidence has been found YET heehee

As I've explained, IF (yes IF IF IF IF IF IF!!!!!!! heehee I'm not afraid heehee) there's a God that made everything, then everything would in all reality be evidence for that God heehee (same IF a magical donkey made everything heehee)

If science admits it can't disprove Gods existence, then it inadvertently also then admits it doesn't know if everything is in reality evidence for that God as well!!!! heehee Q.E.D. dumdum heehee

And no...... not only don't I HAVE to explain anything, NO ONE "HAS" to explain anything heehee

Why should ANYONE care what someone thinks SHOULD be a difference between what and what else!??!?!!? heehee

No one makes ANYONE believe either this or that group you delusional liar heehee

One group (a group that ONLY functions if not believed, by the way heehee) claims something doesn't exist (all the while claiming you can't prove a negative, by the way heehee) and another does...... (yawn!!!!! er, um.... sorry heehee "group vs. group" contrivances are SOOOOO boring heehee) SO FREEKIN WHAT?!?!?!!? heehee

Blather spam "my group is better than yours!!!!!" nonsense all you want, but your strawmen will never get you anywhere heehee

Thanks again coward heehee



I said: "Here's a test: live without God and see if you burn in hell for all eternity heehee"

You claim "That's EXACTLY what I'm doing..." HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!!!

Since you haven't yet experienced ALL ETERNITY, not only isn't it EXACT, it's not even close!!!! HAW!!!!!! (Not even close to being close to being close to being close....ect.... heehee)

For a word worshipping moron, you don't seem to understand them much heehee (similarly, you tout science and not only refuse to practice it, but you don't even understand THAT either heehee)

Likelihood according to WHO, bigot?!?!?!? HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!

Thanks again heehee

Many bigots claim God doesn't exist, if you haven't noticed, and many base that assertion on a system that only works when not believed heehee

If you're really anywhere near you claim, you'd be much more honest about your claims heehee

Unless you're just retarded heehee

And it would be "Therefore, everything WOULD be evidence that god does NOT exists." not "Therefore, everything is not evidence that god exists. " you clumsy idiot heehee

If science doesn't know, then it doesn't know genius heehee

So even if God doesn't exist, scientifically science still can't prove a negative heehee

Even in your weird self defeating fantasies heehee

So, yea..... errors all around heehee



LIVING!!!!! HAW!!!!!

Can your strawmania (strawman + mania heehee) be any clearer?!?!!? heehee

The claim is, after you die, if you lived a Godless existence, you suffer for an eternity heehee

You're fully aware of the claim and your cowardly obtusity (imdb needs to sync up with Merriam-Webster heehee) might just be indicative of your fear of the truth heehee

Thanks for admitting your bigoty you clumsy fool heehee

"According to me" heehee

Thanks!!!!! heehee

So.... not based on science or anything?!?!?! HAW!!!!

How sophisticated heehee

No matter how you spam otherwise, if somethings existence is claimed not to be know one way or the other, then the reasoning is also unknowable heehee

Reality STILL doesn't give to hoots about your beliefs or any other heehee



I've never understood how calling someone a female body part could possibly be an insult heehee

In this particular context, calling me a female body part was meant to suggest immaturity even!!!! EEK!!!!

I know many ignorant sexist bigots characterize women as weak, but immature?!?!?!?! ugh....

That's ill conceived, even for him heehee

And that was followed by a declaration of ignorance heehee

Just to let anyone know in case his pornographic attempt at an insult gets his post deleted heehee


when does a scientific belief become an article of faith?

Apart from the fact that the context is different, it's ironic you're making faith out to be something of an issue when it's ALL that your religion is based on. Hypocrisy or what?

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Goethe



I dunno, I've had that red text on my posting for three weeks solid. Someone really has their panties in a twist

Panzer vor!



I'm sorry, what exactly did he "admit" there? And why o why do you insist on using a source that so selectively edits its quotes as to change the entirety of an interview into something it never was?

For example, they claim that one interview "cast doubt" on Darwinian evolution, which is nothing at all like what happened. They conveniently left out this paragraph:

The assumption here is that if physics and chemistry are the same then biology will develop. When we think alien life we are thinking in terms of Darwinian evolution via natural selection, which is a very good bet. Of course, we will only know for sure once we discover a sample of alien life, study its genetics, etc. But it's hard to think that the very general principles set forth by Darwin won't apply to other forms of life. If there are multiple life forms and limited resources, the rest will follow.

emphasis is mine.
Evolution: Those too dumb to survive on their own should be allowed to die


Which of course doesn't prove or validate any of your fairy tales



Man are you ignoramuses insane heehee

It's a new (sorta heehee) tactical variation of a strawman.... backhandedly agreeing with someone and desperately pretending it's some sort of rebuttal heehee

Posting a warning sign about the potential danger possibility of some seemingly unstable rocks doesn't make the rocks unstable heehee

They're either unstable or not, causing a danger or not, the warning and people believing or even being aware of the potential danger have NOTHING to do with the inherent dynamic of the reality being observed and the warning (or lack thereof) attempting to be conveyed through the expression heehee

I hope you realize the hilarious irony of YOUR attempted expression heehee

Your attempt at a rebuttal doesn't "prove or validate" anything you try to express either!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!!

No one has to be convinced of the truth for the truth to exist bigot heehee

Especially concerning science, a practice that ONLY function when NOT believed heehee

Pluto's clear orbit, the brontosaurus, humors, global cooling, ect.... ALL falsities "proven" and "validated" by the scientific process heehee

And just to clear up AGAIN heehee..... the claim are not MINE!!!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!

Faries were NEVER even MENTIONED!!!!! BWAAAAA HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!!!

I didn't write these so mentioned claims and I suggest quite the opposite, clearly and repeatedly.....

Truth is truth despite ANYONE'S claims or "logic" to the contrary heehee

Not only the majority, or anyone, needs to be convinced of the truth for the truth to be the truth, awareness isn't even necessary for reality to just exist away heehee

Wow are you bigots backward heehee


There isn't one shred of scientific proof to back up your hypotheses. The Theory of Evolution is the best we have as an Explanation.
And crying about bigots is a laugh, when religious people are tops in that department


As CLEARLY stated, again and again, IF (are you familiar with that word?!?!!? "IF" Ever heard of it?!?!?! heehee) IF a God made everything, then everything IS evidence for God and it's just your meager system that's inept heehee

ALSO, there's no evidence for anything until discovered heehee

Science follows the reality it's attempting to discover, not the other way around heehee

There's no known evidence for anything until discovered, and if you decide there's no evidence, say, for instance, if you believed science's claim that pluto was a planet, and didn't bother checking for other objects sharing it's orbit, it would never have been known if it was in fact an object with it's own orbit or not (a deterministic factor of planethood or not heehee)

And again NOT "MY" HYPOTHESIS!!!!! heehee idiot heehee

There was scientific evidence for things we now know DIDN'T exist, no evidence until found for things we now also know exist, and literally almost unimaginable amounts of evidence for who knows what still out there that exists that's as of yet unfound genius heehee

And it's only "the best" explanation according to a system that doesn't work unless not believed heehee

And "heehee" indicates laughter, not crying heehee

And religious people suck heehee

DURRRRR!!!! Captain obvious heehee

I'm not a bigot, religions are VERY stupid heehee

But since this was a movie about psudo scientific exploraphobes and NOT religious science phobic religious morons, I oppose group and lowest common denominator mob mentality equally heehee



BWAAAA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Thanks again fool heehee

You really are a well of hilarity heehee

Again I'll ask, a "natural explanation" according to WHO, bigot?!?!?!?!?! heehee

There's STILL so much science can't even make a guess about, so is it that you have FAITH it eventually will?!?!?!?! HAW HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!!! really....... thanks heehee

You seem to maintain a "....currently according to science...." spam, and that pretty much all you can manage heehee

I'll ask this again as well..... (ahem...) What is the scientific experiment that clearly demonstrates that there can't be anything beyond scientific experimentation?!?!?!?! HAW!!!!!

I'll help you out a little bit (ahem-em.....) THERE CAN NEVER BE ANY!!!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!

Seriously, I haven't had this much fun since interviewing asylum shut ins heehee

Science is a supposed, assumed supremacy system that doesn't hold up to it's own standards and ONLY functions if not trusted heehee

You're like someone saying "Everything has a unicornian explanation for everything..... unicorns did it all!!!!" heehee

You're blathering the most ignorant kind of religious narrow minded ignorance heehee

The start of the universe?!?!?! STILL no replicable experimental test?!?!?!? HAW!!!!!

Got a universe in some test tube somewhere and just keeping it secret or something?!?!?! HAW!!!!!!

Literally EVERYTHING in this universe can't be explained scientifically if the beginning is still a mystery heehee

If science STILL doesn't know (remember, this is ACCORDING to science ITSELF!!!!! HAW!!!!) then it COULD literally be ANYTHING!!!!! HAW!!!!!

It's amazing when a bigot can't comprehend how similar they are to those they insist are lesser than them heehee

And science STILL doesn't think it can prove a negative dummy heehee

Thank you God again for giving me such hilarity to enjoy heehee

You ignorant bigots truly are a comedic gift!!!! heehee

"So far....." heehee priceless.......



I know you were eggerating, but how could I type without a brain?!!?!??! heehee

Also, many who have every big brains.... says scientists for example, understand that science, to function, CAN'T be trusted heehee

You still confused on the whole "11 planet, no 8.... er 9!!!! no wait 8 again" heehee

And by the way..... learn the difference between wild guess and explanation heehee

There's STILL no explanation whatsoever on how the universe started heehee

There's no scientific natural explanation where freekin Natalie Halloway is either heehee

Just guesses.....

"My" lack?!?!?!?! heehee

If there's a God (which science STILL can't determine one way or the other heehee) then EVERYTHING is evidence of that God heehee

Experiment that liar heehee

Anyone can use the lie of Santa without believing in santa stupid heehee

Are you claiminh I trust science to find me a planet because I USE a computer?!?!?!

What the what?!?!?!?! heehee

Scientists don't trust science heehee

They use computers too idiot heehee

YOU don't trust science unless you believe BOTH the previous guesses about humors versus germs then heehee

Science claimed that once as well heehee

Are you admitting you simply "trust" whatever science is currently blathering?!?!?!

ALL of it?!?!?!?! HAW!!!!!!!

Also..... if there is a God that made EVERYTHING, you're using parts of God's everything and not trusting him heehee

Also..... you trust the internet?!?!!??! heehee idiot heehee

You're using that genius heehee

Thanks for keeping it easy heehee

Your simplicity remains hilarious heehee




My favorite Hawking quote : "Mrrrna mmmmmrrr mmmmrrrna mummmmmrrr nurma murmmmm...."


No one needs to know MORE than anyone else, just be aware of something the other chooses, by faith, NOT to believe heehee

Science (lemme check real fast..... nope heehee STILL nothing heehee) has NOTHING to say about religion because IT CAN'T!!!! BWAAAAA HA HA HA HA

So the paradox of ANY atheist is that they choose ideas beyond science's abilities while claiming science as the authority heehee

Got that!??!?!?! heehee

Science has NOTHING to say about God, atheists think they need MORE than science then, but then often claim science is best!!!!! heehee

And ANYONE knows something Steven Hawkings doesn't heehee

I know what I had for dinner, for instance, something mumble boy doesn't heehee

So since it's easy to discover that there's knowledge we all have that slobber boy doesn't, it's easy to know that dynamic exists heehee



Doctors can't be wrong?!?!?!!? heehee

President Garfield's doctors would have helped doing NOTHING heehee

And as I've explained, it's not a matter of knowing MORE, it's if someone knows ONE THING that an experts still hasn't quite discovered, or as so often in science's case, something that has been voted true by the current crop of scientific elitists suffering from lowest common denominator inaccuracies heehee

When a scientists makes an actual new discovery, for example, it is ONLY the scientist that is aware of this new knowledge and many won't accept this new discovery until it goes through the peer review process.... IF it makes it through the peer review process heehee

And furthermore, that discovery existed BEFORE even discovered by that one discoverer heehee

And if God made everything, then EVERYONE is interacting with God's world, and it's just the scientific process that's inept heehee

Labeling "worlds" doesn't excuse scientific ineptitude if that's where it has a shortcoming heehee

And you trip up your own attempts at points when you suggest people consult an "expert" heehee

Are you really suggesting that people should ignore scientists when making claims about God, and instead blindly follow religious leaders like they do scientific leaders!?!?!?!??! heehee EW!!!!!!! heehee

Bigots often blather that everyone should listen to scientists only, but when scientists disagree, they claim scientific specialists should only comment on specifically specialized claims, but when even the specialists disagree the bigot simply picks which one agrees with their pre-conceived notions heehee

And I don't suggest blindly following religious idiots either heehee

That's where your bigotry falls apart completely heehee

I'm not a mommy follower like you heehee

Just because you may feel science is the source of truth doesn't mean everyone is as shallow as you heehee

It's such a weird paradox many bigots have heehee

Thinking they're (on in your case, your chosen systems leaders heehee) superior, but then assuming everyone's like them heehee

Just because some religious kooks are as shallow as you, doesn't mean everyone is as shallow as you heehee

And not only haven't I got your posts deleted, you know full well I CAN'T (HAW HAW!!!!) and you're just telling me, whoever reported your posts, and the administrator just how delusional you are with your inaccurate spam guesses heehee

Similar to science, us schleps can just suggest to the higher ups, in science it must go through peer review, on here we can merely suggest deletion heehee

You know this but can't even get that right heehee

And you haven't yet even suggested a refutation of science's process as I've pointed out heehee

delusional fool heehee



Why would someone uninterested in people thinking they make so called "points" bother trying!?!??!?! heehee

It's like asking you why you don't support your claims with a Bible verse heehee

That horrible dirty hippy posting his clumsily rendered warning isn't trying to win some argument with an ignorant bigot heehee

"What is this sign?!?!!? It has no officially sanctioned geology association seal on it anywhere!?!?!??! And yet it makes claims about ROCKS?!?!!??!" some bigot might moan heehee

The hippy isn't trying to appeal to some ignorant bigot heehee

Science either only works when current claims are continually questioned or not heehee

Parroting current claims either hinders the scientific process or not heehee

You continued "YOU'RE NOT AN EXPERT!!!!" spam blather (aside from being hypocritical because of you not being an expert either heehee) might not be helping anyone unless you consider contributing to a bigot's delusion helpful heehee

Do you think you're making any "points"?!!?!?!? HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!



Bigots will try and claim that someone who doesn't agree with the latest scientific claims only do so because they don't understand science, when in reality, those who continue to question science do so BECAUSE they understand how science really works heehee

A scientist suggesting they might have discovered a planet isn't trying to make any "points" either heehee

Discovery is not a game where you attempt to "win" by making more "points" then that "other" person heehee

Trusting the current scientific guess is TRULY "pointless" in the sense bigot boy was attempting to suggest heehee

Blindly continuing with the traditionally held ideas of your Grandfather's notions is a tired and stagnant nostalgic lazy ignorant refusal of what the very useful and wonderful discovery tool that science can really be heehee

Seeing falling rocks and suggesting there might be more falling rocks (as per a pattern often might suggest heehee) and conveying that observation isn't at all an attempt in any way of trying to make some kind of "point" you fool heehee

Learn the system you squander your faith mis-following bigot heehee



