MovieChat Forums > Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008) Discussion > The "peer review" process..... (true sto...

The "peer review" process..... (true story!!!! heehee)

"Hey..... I found some stars that don't seem to move the same as other stars.... let's call them planets!!!!!" ("planet" means "wandering stars" heehee Look it up if you're not too afraid heehee)

"Let's vote on naming them after gods!!!!"

And the "peers" all agreed!!!!!

These "wandering stars" were to be named after gods!!!!!!

"So, my peers, how many did we all find?!?!!?"


er.... 6!!!!

11!!!!! And let's teach children dopey songs so they can remember them so we don't have to keep telling them they're wrong every time they say a number other than the peer reviewed, accepted official current number of 11!!!!!

Wait!!!! These belt objects are too different than the other accepted "planets".... let's take a vote and not accept belt objects as "planets"....

Ok..... so..... that will make it.... 8 planets then!!!!!

Yay us!!!! We so smart!!!!!

Hey!!!! I think I discovered a new planet!!!! Let's vote!!!!!

Doesn't look like a belt object to me!!!!!! 9 planets it is!!!!!!

The official new peer reviewed correction to the number of planets is (drum roll......)

9!!!!!!! Yay us!!!!!!!

(Years later....)

OOPS!!!!! I think that 9th planet may just be yet another belt object..... Peers!?!??!

WHOOPS!!!!! We did it again!!!!!!!!

WAH-WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! heehee

Got that everyone?!?!?!?! ANYONE who merely "accepted" the peer reviewed claim of there NOT being any other objects in pluto's orbit would never bother to even LOOK for any other objects!!!!!!!!

If you accept the current scientific peer reviewed claims, you actually stand in the way of scientific progress heehee
