MovieChat Forums > Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008) Discussion > The "pee in pants review" process..... (...

The "pee in pants review" process..... (true story!!!! heehee)

Hey..... mum found some stains in my pants that don't seem to come out the same as other stains.... let's call them 'urinal accident'!!!!!" ("accident" means "wandering pee" heehee Look it up if you're not too afraid heehee)

"Let's vote on naming my accidents after the days of the week!!!!"

And mum and Dr Pluto agreed!!!!!

These "wandering pees" were to be named after days of the week!!!!!! Today I did a Friday!!!!

"So, asked Doc of mum, when she'd dressed again in his surgery, how many did we all find?!?!!?"


er.... 6!!!!

11!!!!! And they sed let's teach sonny boy dopey songs so he can remember them so we don't have to keep telling him its wrong he has a 'urinal accident'every time they say a number other than the pee-reviewed, accepted doctor-mum current number of 11 this friday!!!!!

Wait!!!! These below the belt accidents are too different than the other accepted "accidents".... let's take a vote and not accept below the belt objects as "urinal accidents"....

Ok..... so..... that will make it.... 8 pees in my pants today then!!!!!

Yay me!!!! Me so smart!!!!!

Hey!!!! I think I discovered a new urinary accident!!!! Let's vote!!!!!

Doesn't look like a below the belt object to me!!!!!! 9 pees today it is!!!!!!

The official new pee reviewed correction to the number of urinary acidents today is (drum roll......)

9!!!!!!! Yay me!!!!!!! Mom not pleased!!!

(tears later....)

OOPS!!!!! I think that today's pee may just be yet another below the belt object..... Pees!?!??!

WHOOPS!!!!! I did it again!!!!!!!!


heehee!!! (c)


Wow. You're still doing this?

That's...astoundingly pathetic.

Have fun with that.
