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Chandni Chowk...creates bad blood among Asians

Bollywood's much-awaited first Kungfu comedy Chandni Chowk to China has created a rift on YouTube with Indian, Chinese and Nepali members trading insults.

The film, co-produced by Warner Brothers Pictures and directed by Nikhil Advani triggered protests with its statement that the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was born in India.

While many YouTube members have pointed out the mistake, saying he was born in Nepal, the correction is being opposed by some, creating an abusive environment.

A member signing in as provoked11, says, "Nepal Nepal Nepal!!!... Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal. But he got enlightenment in Gaya which is in India. So let's not be confused. He was born in Nepal but he became Gautam Buddha in India."

"Buddha was born in an Indian forest," claims Luckyankraj while Hemantmehndi is more aggressive. "Nepal was born from India," the member says. "Therefore, Buddha is from India. Nepalese people get outta this India movie trailer. Go watch your own movies if they're that great."

The outburst is countered by Chanchaltam, who says: "Your language belies you. You can't be a good cultured Indian. If you go to ancient historical times then people can also argue that India was born from Nepal. Just a case of the son becoming bigger than the father."

Besides the Buddha's birthplace, there is also a growing fight over where Kungfu, the martial art form made famous by Bruce Lee with the 1973 film "Enter the Dragon", originated.

Says bobbzhere81: "India is the birth place of all martial arts. A saint named Bodidama carried this art from Madras (now Chennai) to China."

At this, protests come from lajabo0009, who says: "This is not true. India is the birth place of Buddhism but China is definitely the birth place of Kungfu (martial arts). Without China, Kungfu would have never developed to its current form.

However, the most clinching argument comes from Prynka, who enunciates what the bottom line is.

"The bottom line is: the movie is very disappointing and it has definitely angered a lot of Nepalis for disregarding a very important part of our history....

"No one would expect a movie under the Warner Brothers' banner to have such ignorant mistakes." ePageadd=dynamic4&id=eb04bd0a-b42a-431a-a94f-74fe70f32300&&amp ; ;Headline=EMChandni+Chowk...%2fEMcreates+bad+blood+among+Asians


It should be changed to "the Indian subcontinent" or "enlightened in what is now known as India".


It should be changed to "the Indian subcontinent" or "enlightened in what is now known as India".

Soo, then Chengiz Khan should be called "The Guy who was born in what is now known as Russia"???

Buddha was born in ancient India. There is no need to elaborate or clarify this just to appease some pathetic Nepalese illegal immigrants.


Actually, Ghengis Khan is a Mongol born in Mongolia. It's a fact that Buddha was born in Nepal.


actually you are moron

ghengis khan was born in tunguska russia

which wasnt stil isnt and probale never will be in mongolia

"Everybody knows you never go full retard" - Kirk Lazarus


Youtube comments are a waste of time. I'd rather watch paint dry off the wall.
I saw the movie, it wasn't that great but it was fun and entertaining and I've enjoyed it to the least.
