
Does this movie introduce us to his other 53 wives as well? What is their story?

"Oh, it's ok, I'm taking it back."


That's what I said. You'll never see an LDS production company faithfully tell THEIR story. I don't see what the big deal is. The commandment of polygamy was given by God, right? It's not like Joseph wanted more wives for his own sexual gains, right? Why the big cover up? We should rejoice in the execution of God-given commandments!

Hmm...maybe Joseph DID make it up so his adultery could be justified. Thoughts?


Joseph Smith either really is a prophet or is the biggest fraud the world has ever seen. Yeah, he's a fraud all right.

new moon ninja #182 :)


There's a painting of Emma in just about every mormon meeting house. Not of any other of his wives.

And even though she rejected the "prophet" Brigham Young and basically started a new church, the regular mormons call her an elect lady. Nah. She just lived in a day and age when you didn't leave your husband.
