Hey Ryan

Love your work, love Plotdiggerfilms. I see you on this board quite often. I finaly got a chance to see Hobo with a Shotgun and totally loved it. As a person who respects your opinion and the great work you do I was wondering if you had a review for it? I thought it was the best movie I've seen since Gutterballs, and its soundtrack competed with yours which is no easy task. Thanks man and cant wait for Gutterballs 2.


I loved "Hobo With a Shotgun"!! I actually went to see it twice in the theatre...and bought the blu-ray. I wish one day my stuff will get a release like that...sooner than later I hope! Cool, RY

"How about 68 and I owe you 1?" Street Trash


I hope so too, your films are amazing, any update or inside info on Gutterballs 2? I'm dyin here waiting.


Perhaps your involvement with bigger name directors in the upcoming PROFANE EXHIBIT will help you get more exposure. Even so, I can definitely see your recent flicks GUTTERBALLS and HANGER earning a cult following as time progresses.

To the world you may just be somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world.
