Question or Two Ryan

Great Movie by the way. I've seen many many slasher movies but I have to say this one came out of left field and delivered. A few questions I would like to ask if you would take the time to answer.
1. Did you purposely ask for everyone to be kind of high strung and obnoxious to the point that we wouldn't have any emotional connect to the characters? I don't mean that in a bad way...what I got out of it was it lets us be cool with these dying and even looking forward to it.
2. You had the 80's feel NAILED...why bring in the cell phone reference towards the end?
3. I think a lot of folks felt let down by "Hanger". I saw that first and actually appreciated certain elements but after watching this feel like there most definitely was some problems going on in production. Did you guys run short on time or money (or both) on that project. Your cast was great and it starts off promising but it felt like something just couldn't tie it altogether successfully.
4. Who are some of your influences?
5. Lastly what does the future hold for you guys and do you plan on retaining the same crew of actors for future shoots? I hope so, they're a talented bunch!
Thanks for your time!
