A few questions

1. Under "crazy credits" imdb says "As the end credits roll it's shown BBK's identity after every murder scene" but, having just finished watching the Danger After Dark dvd, I saw no such thing. Was this only included on certain releases?

2. I saw it mentioned somewhere that there's a really cool easter egg on the dvd, but no one said what it was or how to access it. Does anyone know?

3. Was it just me, or did pretty much every guy in the movie come across as gay, making it seem rather odd when they showed any interest in women? This especially goes for the guy in the death by 69 scene.


1. The uber rare "Balls-out" edition has the "reveal" credits...it's also known as the "bootleg edition" or "Blue Box edition".

2. If you navigate around the special features on the Danger After Dark release and that release only, you will see "The Janitor" with the floor polisher. If you highlight him, click him, you can see the trailer for a never released sleaze fest call "Piglet"...the trailer is filthy and it's nowhere to be found except here. Actually, the tapes were all lost during the edit and this movie is considered a "lost movie" now.

3. There's total gay undertones with the guys. Joey and A.J. for sure. As well as Dave on the good guys team. I don't really know why exactly I made them this way but gay characters are fun to shoot and have more character than straight ones...


"How about 68 and I owe you 1?" Street Trash


Hey, thanks for answering! I'm glad to know I'm not crazy (well, at least, not in this case...).
