MovieChat Forums > Gutterballs (2008) Discussion > One of the worst horror films i have see...

One of the worst horror films i have seen... SPOILER

Only good thing was Steve death... The director might be a nice guy and all....But i hated this film with passion. Got to be honest. Whats with the F word?? Damn! In every line of the movie you can easily count thousands of F words. Horror is not just about gore and blood and sex. Its about good acting! Solid execution and direction! Good or at least decent dialogue! Frightening moments! Yeah etc... I know this movie is not meant to be taken seriously, but even for horror/comedy standards this was terrible. 1/10. I would like to see the director making a serious film, a serious horror film, to see how it works. For example, the guy that made Hatchet, made Frozen. Hatchet and Frozen are totally different movies. One is a horror/comedy not to b taken serious at all, but it was fun. And Frozen is a serious horror film, and it was very good in my opinion. The director took a different route and it was pleasant.


wow you lost me when you said hatchet and frozen. gutterballs is light years better than those two movies. im not going to argue with you cause we arent going to change each others minds but i dont even know why you watched this film.


I mentioned them as an example. As i said, i would like to see this director directing a serious, well made horror film. Like Hatchet and Frozen, one is horror/comedy not to be taken seriously and Frozen is a serious one. Both made by the same director. I watched this movie cause i am a horror fan! I can watch the lightest horror films to the most gruesome and goriest ones! Kan watch some Hollywood horror films to the most low budget ones! I was curious about this one, and it was bad, i mean reaallyyyy bad in my opinion.


This movie was outstanding, it is everything it should be from an exploitation standpoint. It also had great humor and kills.


Thanks man!! Wait until you see our new one "Famine"...and "Big *beep* Monster" exploitation fare. Cool, RY

"How about 68 and I owe you 1?" Street Trash


lol...always gotta be one of these guys in here labeling something the "worst". I've been a horror fan for 32 years. I've seen A LOT, mainstream, underground, direct to video, foreign, gore, psychological, necro, etc etc..."Gutterballs" which I just saw yesterday, does the genre proud and is impressive on many levels. "Hatchet" brings nothing new to the genre. It's a passable slasher flick. Not bad, not great. If you've seen more then 100 horror movies then "Hatchet" won't stir you one bit. "Frozen" is technically a horror movie but not comparable to "Gutterballs" on any level.


I never compared Frozen with Gutterballs! They cant be compared due to their quality, one is mid-high the other very low and both movies have different subgenres. The reason I mentioned Frozen was comparing a serious film made a by a director who made a goofy horror film like Hatchet. Just saying that a serious film maybe could work with this director, just a suggestion. Soo what Gutterballs bring us? The use of the word F and bad acting? I know its a explotaition film and the acting does not have to be in a certain way bla bla bla, but it's simply bad in any way. Not to mention the horrible atmosphere! Simply a disaster. But oh well I guess this is why IMDb's message boards were created for, to establish different opinions and points of view.


I agree one your point that we all have the right to their opinion. I guess I am countering your opinion more then challenging it. If this is one of the worst horror films you have ever seen then surely it annoyed you on a very deep level.
I found "Gutterballs" to be unique in it's delivery of the slasher movie itself. The characters are all complete jerks. There is no sympathy for them besides the young lady raped in the beginning. There is actually a good reason for us to seek their demise due to their obnoxious attitudes. "Gutterballs" delivers the death to us and does it on the cheap. It's a low budget film...sure but it has a lot of heart and does a lot with a little.
I liked it and thought it was terrific. I can understand that a lot of people won't enjoy it due to the lack of polish but to call it one of the worst horror flicks ever is, in my opinion, perhaps somewhat short sited.


The only thing gutterballs has going for it is the gore, which is awesome! But the acting is so painfully bad to watch and characters are so damm annoying
