Horror Junkies Unite

Watching this silly sexploitation horror, "Gutterballs", it's pretty bad but funny... the preppy laughter, the dorky improvised dialog, the movie is so silly, but it's definitely better than I thought it would be.

Holy *beep* this movie is hilarious, I think my favorite quote I have to add to IMDb's quote section for the movie is,

"Just because all of us don't drink a keg of beer day, doesn't mean some of us don't know a thing or two about a thing or two, huh? Pussy."

I've loved horror since I was little, scaring myself half to death on episodes of Night Gallery, Twilight Zone, Abominable Dr. Phibes, and The Legend of Hell House in the late '70s and into the '80s.

Some horror can be so intense it's like walking through an oven, we feel a blast of heat on the tissue paper of our illusions, and in a way that's why we watch them isn't it? To burn those tissue paper thin illusions, and deepen our resolve against the petty, shallow, unquestioning status quo society in which we find ourselves, a vantage of sheep, corruption and misguided ethos, the world careening off the rails, tumbling towards the grave... and we seek these horrors, these darkened corners, so that we can glean some depth, some understanding of this human condition, be empowered, and help change the world for the better.

Some of us just watch to escape, to enjoy some insanity, but we are horror junkies, we'll watch any horror film, if only to give it our scathing and mocking review, but we watch them all, all the same... the so bad they're good like Troll 2, Leprechaun in the Hood, the horrifyingly bad, like Birdemic, the iconic monster films of the ages, the found footage, the ghosts, the hosts, the Plato's cave of dreams and sociological romps, we embrace them all... because we know, only those who stop questioning, who stop pouring the gasoline on the fire that burns our illusions, will we become comfortable in our society-encouraged apathy, horror is our banner against the dying of the light, it keeps the cracks open that Leonard Cohen said lets the light in, and we are here to stay.

Web www.jmberman.com
Fcbk https://www.facebook.com/catnipdream
