MovieChat Forums > Gutterballs (2008) Discussion > Well, Ryan... My Review... *SPOILER*

Well, Ryan... My Review... *SPOILER*

First off, I do like trashy made-for-mindless-fun movies. I like movies with senseless violence, and I'm not bothered by heaps of swearing, although the rape scene was a bit much it wasn't too hard to sit through. I would've liked more exploration of the victim's feelings towards that since she hardly took up a quarter of the movie's running time altogether. The characters were also obnoxious, although there were a few chuckle-worthy lines that did help with the grind house feel ("What happened to your head?!" springs to mind). The acting was bad, but that didn't bother me TOO much. In fact, despite the fact that the movie did disappoint me, I was also pretty interested and it did pick up toward the end. The final confrontation is probably the highlight of the movie.
But my MAIN problem with this movie is the sound. Not the soundtrack; that was good stuff. I mean whenever someone talks, it sounds as if it was pre-recorded in a studio and dubbed over the characters in the scene. Did you have everyone mouth the words or something during filming? The reason why I think this is because there seems to be slight static background noise whenever someone talks, which stops when someone shuts up. It's very noticeable when you're watching with headphones.
The atmosphere was perfect, with the lighting and the soundtrack and the setting in general. The gore was pretty decent, too, and I suppose the nudity that WASN'T part of the rape scene was a bonus. Actually I thought the plot was pretty good since it's an homage to all those oldies, although it does get a BIT confusing when the last few people reveal what they were really doing (mainly the black guy, what was he doing exactly? And the fact that BBK's daughter seemed to know what was going on one minute, then was totally oblivious the next during the final confrontation was also confusing). But the twist of BBK NOT being the victim and instead being the victim's father was a good surprise, and I think he stole the show.
This is one of those movies that I can't quite decide if I like or not. On one hand, it disappointed me; on the other, it was memorable and I remain interested about it. It shows potential so I'll most likely check out your other work in the future.
People seem to like this movie more after repeated viewings so I'll watch it again to finalize my opinion of it.
Right now, 5/10

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