Like Pandorum?

I just got back from watching Pandorum, and basically I want to know if this film is along the same level/better/different.


There are some similarities at the beginning with the main character waking up alone and with no idea who he is or how he got there, plus the mutated former humans, but everything else is much different.

It's actually even more claustrophobic feeling than Pandorum.


Pandorum was a great film, but Eden Log was also a good film. And with such a small budget, this movie shows Hollywood that you don't need Big budget films like Watchmen and Avatar to be great(But Avatar was good). All in all, Eden Log is a gem(Also see Moon if you are looking for a top-notch Science Fiction film with great acting, story, script and effects with a super-small budget).



The creatures in Pandorum were not former humans. That's impossible seeing as over 900 years went back since those human had awake from hyper-sleep.


There is no denying the similarities, almost throughout the entire film. It would almost seem as if Pandorum built their ideas off of Eden Log which was (believe it or not) more dismal in structure and finale. From waking up not know who he is, to slowly discovering while passing through the "ship/plant", to encountering friends and foes along the way, and finally the mutants and grand puppetering-like scheme reveal at the end. There is even a cartoon sequence in Eden Log that closely matches the Pandorum cave-man scriblings on the wall scene.

The set pieces are direct lifts from Eden Log, from the harness swing, the flextubs bundles, hanging cords, box like storage structures, grim, grit, etc etc.

I would be surprised if there wasn't at least one tangible crew/writing connection with both films.



That is what a mutant is. When a species evolves, changes or mutates into something else. Evolution is just natural mutation. If it originated from a human it is a type of mutant.



Nope, pretty much in the definition of what a mutant is.



Now you're starting to understand. Mutation is evolution and yes everything on the planet has evolved and continues to evolve. Unless they are extinct.



You're just making my point, so congrats. Unless you think aliens invaded the ship, those were just evolved mutations of humans aka mutants. Read up on biology, evolution and the process of mutation. Wiki is ok, but you could do better on other 'more informed' sites.



All biologists will concede that mutation is a natural part of evolution. Again you prove my point. Just revel in the knowledge, its a good thing.



Its both. A mutant can come from evolution or through the introduction of a random mutation. All biologist agree with the concept of mutation, don't need to look hard to find that out.



First part unintelligible...

Second part...nope, just not true. All evolution involves mutation, this cannot be disputed. But you can believe what you like, not that it matters.




Nope, you're still wrong. Here's a link to the free dictionary.

All you need to do is look it up.



Right, mutants are a result of mutation - in this case from humans. There are weird mutants like lobsters and 2 headed snakes but that doesn't imply that non-weird mutants are not still mutants themselves. Seems like you're coming around, this is a good thing.



Once again you prove my point with your own definitions. Take some time, reread the posts and educate yourself. The edits and deletions just show your frustration in trying to prove something that just is not true. Just accept the knowledge, its free.



get a room, you two :D



Pandorum is an Alien(s) knock-off, basically. Eden Log is a wholly original work.


I rated Pandoroum a 10/10 and eden log a 6/10 so basically it depends what you are after.

Yes Pandoroum had a bigger budget but Pandoroum answered questions that eden log didn't.

Pandoroum was also supposed to be a trilogy but unfortunately due to not making any money the other two will not be made.

Eden log feels similar at the start but Pandoroum is a far superior movie in my opinion.



Alien is a slasher movie with themes of rape. It and Pandorum are too different to be compared.




Pandorum is very conventional

No it isn't.
