A ticket for riding

a damn bicycle and running 3 stop signs wtf kinda show is this?


Bike riders have to obey the same traffic laws as cars

Anime is Forever


I have no problem following traffic laws, but then the city you live in doesn't even take bicycles into consideration creating a Catch-22. Where I live, the stoplights in town don't respond if you're on a bike so you either have to run it when its clear or what (often a LONG time) for a car to pull up in the same lane as you to trigger the pressure switch.


ironwolf i had the same problem you had i rode a bicycle... that i turned into a motorbike... its so lame/awesome anywho with me on it its only about 330 pounds and thats not enough to trigger the lights

i got pulled over for running it cop didnt believe me so he took my little motor mountain bike tried it out gave me a hmmmmm and told me to be careful and "yield" because that was the only real option


I don't know. *beep* crazy. lmfao


They will give you a ticket for violation on a bike. Road rules pertain to all driving and riding. If the idiot continued riding like that, he would not be around long.

