Domestic Distrubance

Ok how do you beat it, once the helicopter sees you, your totally F-ed


in the beginning of the level try your best at first to hide and kill when you can, then after that its pretty much hard to hide so your going to end up running for the blue dot on the map...try that out...thats how i did it...the hellicopter lets off after you jump a few fences


In the second part when your cornered, its pretty much a mad dash down the street and jumping over the first low fence you see.


yup...i wasted time on that level tring to hide when i finaly said screw it! haha then i just ran as hard as i could and yeah its obviously what has to be done in that part



ya just gotta ask yourself, "what would Leo do?" and kill everything in sight. brutally. oh if they gave his ass a rocket launcher that helicopter wouldn't survive either.


Once you come through the fence and those two guys spot you, just run like hell. Keep running for the blue dot and looking for spots to hop over the fences.

Eventually, something pops up to tell you to hide. Grab a spot in the shadows and some Swat team members will stroll around. After you've got a shot gun it gets easy.
